Chapter Six - A Sense of Reality

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It's been ten weeks since Joy has been born and also the last case Toby and Happy have worked on. Although Happy and Toby enjoy spending time with their new daughter, they really miss the team and working.

The bedroom is silent, not a single sound. A cold breeze sweeps in through the open window, sending a shiver down Happy's spine. She sits up, looks at the clock, reading "3:00AM". Happy swings her legs over the side of the bed, puts her feet on the carpet and walks into the closet. Happy gets dressed, and then looks over at Toby who is fast asleep, she smiles then walks down the hall. She picks up Joy, feeds her, changes her, and puts her in her stroller. As Happy walks down the hall, pushing Joy in the stroller, she continuously looks at Joy sleeping so peaceful and hoping she won't wake up. Happy locks the front door on her way out of the house, puts Joy in her carseat and pulls out of the driveway.

Meanwhile at Toby and Happy's house, Toby wakes up the the sound of one of the neighbors dogs barking. He puts his hand down on the bed to sit up, noticing that Happy is not there. Toby stands up and walks down the hall to Joy's room, suspecting that Happy would be with Joy. To his surprise, they both were not there. Toby heart is about to pound out of his chest as he starts to worry. He runs down the hall, grabs his phone and starts to call Happy. With no answer he starts to call the rest of the team.

Happy takes Joy for a ride, she looks over in the passenger seat and realizes she forgot her phone at home. She drives to the garage, expecting to see no lights on and no one awake. But much to her surprise, she sees lights on and Cabe, Paige and Walter's car behind the garage. Happy parks the car, buckles Joy in the stroller and walks into the garage.

"Hey guys, whatcha up to?" Happy asks. "Happy? is that you?" Paige asks while coming to the back of the garage. "Paige. What's going on?" Sylvester asks while following her. "Happy?" Sly says in complete shock. Sly runs up to Happy and hugs her. Happy groans a little, not expecting a hug. "Hey kid what are you doing here?" Cabe asks. "And with your daughter?" he adds while looking at Joy in the stroller. "Aww look who's here" Paige says in aw while walking over to Joy and picking her up. "Happy what's going on? Why are you here? You still have two weeks of maternity leave left. And where is Toby?" Walter asks. "Eh. Well I was getting too comfortable at home and really missed working" she responds. "Oh. and Toby is still at home" she adds. "Well he has been calling us for the last twenty minutes asking us if we knew where you and Joy where" Walter comments. "Yeah. I left my phone at home" Happy responds. "Why are you guys here so early?" she asks. "We have a case that we need your help on, if you're up to it?" Walter adds. "Yeah sure what is it?" she responds. "Shouldn't someone call Toby and let him know what's going on?" Sly adds. "I will" Cabe says as he dials Toby.

Toby arrives at the garage wearing nothing but a t-shirt, PJ pants, slippers and his hat of course. "HAP! WHAT THE HELL?!" Toby yells across the garage. "Sorry Doc. I left my phone at home" she adds. Toby walks over to her and hugs her to see Paige holding Joy. "Really? You brought our daughter on your little midnight stroll?" he asks. "Yeah. She was up and I didn't want her waking you up, so I brought her along. But enough of that. We have a case" Happy replies while bringing Toby over to the monitor tree.  

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