chapter sixteen

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my feet barely touch the ground but I don't care.

I have to find her.

I have to protect her! I skid across the stone ground as I see her.

just standing there,not caring if I was there or not.i realised she's standing right at the edge of the cliff.

"Lillian" she doesn't move as if she hadn't heard me.

she starts to move foreward,i run towards her and try to pull her back but its like her feet are attached to the ground.

"Lillian!listen to me!" she doesn't answer,i look at her back.

"Lillian...look at me!" she stays silent until she turns around.

instead of her sweet face her eyes are hollow and dark and her once bright blue eyes the color of stone.

"l-Lillian...?" I take a step back,she looks down at the ground."Lillian...w-what...what happened to you?"

she stays silent then points to the sun,in my head its almost like something clicks "the flare?is this the flare?"

she shakes her head.

"they did this to me..." I feel shock hit my face,she just spoke!

"they are coming...for you...and me..."

maze hunterWhere stories live. Discover now