A girl who lost everything when she was a child..her family, her friends, herself...
She hides herself in the darkness in school..until one day a boy suddenly started to come into her life slowly but surely...
I never had friends growing up. Not once. No never mind I lied. I did once. But they all disappeared. Because of me.
If I have friends now I would be afraid to lose them. That's why I put myself in the dark in school. I want to be alone. But he changed everything. - - - -
I walked down the school hallway. I didn't look at anyone. I just looked down at the floor to my feet.
For the past few weeks I've been ignoring Hoseok because I might get him sick again.
I feel bad but I have to ignore him..for his safety. You know?
As I walked down the hallway someone grabbed my wrist and dragged me. It was Jungkook. I still fully remember what he said a few weeks ago.
"H-Hey Jungkook what are you doing!" I tried to take off his hand but he was too strong.
He stopped. He looked back at me. "Noona~ I'm really sad..I told you we are your friends but you always ignore us especially Hoseok Hyung. If you don't come to us then I have no other choice to drag you to us."
He continued to drag me to his friends. I tried to take off his hand again and again but I couldn't.
He finally stopped. Hoseok and Yoongi was there looking at me and Jungkook confused.
"I didn't literally actually mean to drag her here you idiot" Yoongi said to Jungkook.
Jungkook lets go of my wrist.
"But I was depressed that she wasn't coming to us so I had no choice!" He whined.
I looked at Hoseok. We met eyes. I looked away. I tried to back out. I ran but Hoseok stopped me by going in front of me.
"Why are you ignoring me...did I do something wrong?" He had a tone of sadness.
I said nothing and I tried to go but he still stood in front. I turned back but Yoongi and Jungkook was there looking at us. I started to tear up..this scene reminded me so much of that day. I crouched and putted my head down with my hands holding it. I sobbed.
"Hey what are you doing?! Why are you crying??" Yoongi was surprised.
Yoongi and Jungkook comforted me. Hoseok did nothing. He just stood there.
"Cherrry blossom tree after school. Just you and me" He said. I slowly looked up. He started to walk away.
I looked back at him as he walked away. - - - -
School ended. I debated myself throughout the school day if I should go to the tree and I decided that I shall go.
I walked to the tree and saw Hoseok sitting waiting for me.
I was in front of him standing. He patted the empty space beside him and I sat down. There was silents for a few seconds.
The suddenly... "Why do you always push away others?" He said.
I said nothing.
"You know that you're not alone...right" He said.
I said nothing.
"I may not know you that well..but I can tell that you have an empty side of your heart.." He continues.
I said nothing.
"and...I wanna fill in that empty side of your heart Y/n" He said.
"Please say something..." He said.
I said nothing "What am I doing..why am I not saying anything.." I thought
"Y/n...I really li-.." before he could say anything I cut him off.
"Jung Hoseok! I really like you! by that...i mean..." I turned to him. He was surprised
"I wanna be your friend! Including Yoongi and Jungkook!..I-I'm so sorry I'm such an annoying person and that always turn you down. I-its j-just that I don't know what to do because you are so ni-.." I closed my eyes and said those words. But then he hugged me.
"You're not annoying..not at all." he said to me. I hugged back.
"AWWWW NOONA~ I knew you'd come through!!" Jungkook suddenly appeared running to me and Hoseok.
"Yah Jungkook come back here!!!" Yoongi was there too.
Jungkook suddenly hugged both of us causing us to fall back to the tree.
"I thought I told you guys it's only gonna be me and her" Hoseok said.
"Did you actually think we were just gonna leave you two alone." Yoongi walked to us.
Jungkook was suffocating us do we could not say anything.
Hoseok was aggressively tapping Jungkook, signaling him to get off.
Then he finally got off. We tried to catch out breath and we did but it felt like no oxygen was coming through. I looked at all of them one by one. They all heard my confession. My cheeks started to heat up. I cupped my face with both of my hands hiding. I could feel the eyes that were on me. "Aww~~ noona don't be embarrassed" Jungkook said
I didn't say anything I just stood there in embarrassment. Then someone grabbed both of my hands slowly taking them off my faces. I looked at Hoseok and he was holding my hands. He smiled at me. "Oh how can someone smile so beautifully..." I say to myself.
"Since all of us are all friends now shall we get ice cream to celebrate?" Yoongi announced.
Both Jungkook and Hoseok agreed as they got up.I didn't say anything I was still sitting down. They looked at me, "Come on noona..please?" Jungkook said in a sad tone.
I got up and looked at them. I smiled widely. "Let's go"
——- 3 Years Ago
Drip. Drip. Drop. The rain came. Drip. Drip. Drop. The tears came.
"Please don't leave me.." I said.
"We thought we trusted you...Y/n" They said.
"I'm sorry...I didn't me-" I got cut off
"Don't even say anything!" They got closer to me.
One in front of me and two in the back of me. I started to tremble. I fell to the ground, crying.
"You are such an annoying piece of sh*t" One of them said.
After a while they left me there in the rain, sobbing.
Yet again...I keep on loosing people that are important to me...maybe I should just...
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