Xavier Laywood-How He Came To Be (Part 1)

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Okay so this is a look at how Xave was before he and his family became Muslim. This is a series of three parts. You'll see the good and bad sides to him but I hope you won't hate him because we all know he's a good person in the end  lol. This one is super short. Enjoy!

Xavier Laywood-How He Came To Be (Part 1)

“I still can't believe your brother was ever like that. It seems impossible.” Daleela said, her heart slightly racing.

 “Yeah I know. I'm glad you can't see how he was. Islam is the best thing that's ever happened to my life, to all of our lives.” Nisa said thoughtfully.

 ~From: Diamonds & Pearls (7)-My First Love and My Biggest Fan

Drowning My Pain

Xavier Laywood was never what people would call talented. No matter what he did or how hard he tried, he couldn't live up to his family's legacy. His father was one of the country's best lawyers. His mother was an award winning surgeon and his brother was part of a famous band. Even his youngest brother was a pretty great mini league baseball player. Nisa was the only one who was as plain as he was. His family weren't bad people and even if he never admitted it, he loved them dearly. Xavier was even lucky enough to have had the luxury of getting whatever he liked because money was never a problem in his household. His parents loved each other dearly and rarely ever fought over anything. Xavier was a handsome boy and that was the only thing he had that worked to his advantage. People made him the most popular boy in school because they were obsessed with his family's status. No one ever tried to understand him and he felt as if he was pushed behind his family's shadow. He didn't know why people wanted to be him or why girls tended to fall head over heels for him but he realized he was good at making people do what he wanted. Manipulation was his only talent. He'd never meant to revel in the power he naturally had over people but he also didn't care for feeling like the only failure in the family.

* * *

Xavier sat in the front seat of his best friend's BMW with Rebecca Chaney's beautiful legs wrapped around his torso. She was kissing him vigorously and he lazily kissed her back. To say she was the most popular girl in school, there wasn't much to like about her. She was as fake as fake could get and way too full of herself. Her long blond tresses smelled of too much hair spray and her perfume smelled like musty flowers. She has way too much on, he thought silently as he continued kissing her lips. What he hated most of all though, was that her make up was always much too exaggerated. Xavier broke their kiss and sighed. Rebecca looked at him in surprise.

“What's wrong,” She said, breathing heavily. She attempted to start kissing him again but Xavier stopped her.

“Becca,” He whispered and then kissed her sensuously slow. Rebecca looked almost dazed when he pulled away. “We should break up.”

The look of shock on her face was evident. “W-what?” She sputtered in confusion.

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