So...Tell Me What You Want (Authors Note: Read!!)

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Salam folks, It's Purity of course. 

I've definitely taken note that many of you really wish I could upload a bit faster than I do. I understand that, I wish I could too. However writing is tedious work and I do have a life outside of wattpad. Writing is something that I enjoy doing as a hobby, I never knew that it would come this far mashallah. But I write to relieve stress not stress myself more. So I definitely don't want to be stressed to upload. You can trust me to upload okay. It's not like I'll disappear off the face of the planet (may Allah forbid) and never finish this story. I have full intentions to do so. 

What I'm saying is that lately I've notice this trend where people send me messages that are rushing me to upload because they think I'm taking "forever" and I'm sitting here like I"M TRYING MY BEST HERE!!! I'm only 16, I have a lot of school work to focus on. 

By no means am I talking about the comments that end with a simple "can't wait for you to upload" or "I hope you upload soon". That's cool, I'm all good with that. Just don't get all pushy and demanding. It's not my duty to upload. I do it because I like it and because I don't want to leave anyone hanging. I FREAKING LOVE YOU GUYS ♥♥♥♥♥

Thank you all for being supportive and taking such an interest in my work. I appreciate it more than words can express so Jazakallahu khairan and may Allah bless you. You guys are truly a blessing to me and often make me really happy, even during the hardest times. So once again thank you.

NOW, all that aside. I want to give everyone a choice.

Do you want me to continue the way I have been? (Uploading long, eventful chapters that take  some time to upload.)

Or do you want me to upload shorter more frequent chapters? (Which may be a lot less satisfying honestly)

It is completely up to you all. Tell me what you want and I'll go with the majority inshallah. 

If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or comments on how I can make my story better, please let me know below. I won't go psycho on you or anything >:) lol

Also any questions? Comment. Have no fear, I don't bite and even if I did it probably wouldn't hurt much lol.

Btw, I'd love to hear everyone's musings on how they think the story will end :D Oh and request things for Pure Love please. 

Be safe & Eat your veggies. 


 Things to come soon I hope: Noor's POV, Zayan's POV (In Connecticut), Clover's POV (Cole's baby sis), Preview of a story I'm working on,  and Chapter 20. 

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