Chapter 4 True Colors

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"Where are we going" I was crumbling in Lucas's hand as he held mine tight.

"You'll see." He smiled looking back at me as he strung me along, walking back to the parking lot I wondered what he had in mind, we really hadn't talked about what happened at the party.

After a while of driving we arrived at a very large park with honey oranges, warm reds, and breath taking greens that filled the trees.

There was even a pond and a trail that led to a hill that most people had picnics on in the summer and sleigh ride in the winter.

"What are we doing here Lucas?"

"Uh, it's a park and it just so happens to be one of my favorite places, and I wanted to show you something."

"What?" I stayed seated with my seat belt still on, I wasn't ready for any more surprises today especially from him but he insisted.

"Come on, you'll see." Lucas tapped at me nodding his head towards the outside of the car.

"Okay but you better not try anything." I warned him, he then moved closer nearly eye to eye.

"Matthew if I wanted to try something I wouldn't have brought you all the way here, I would have took you some where much more nicer..." He left me in the car shocked I was kind of expecting him to I stood corrected.

I got out of the car after him and followed him admiring the colors that flowed with his hair and skin tone his gray eyes blended with the leaves falling around us.

There was surprisingly no one there besides a few dog walkers I guess everyone was either out on the town since it was saturday, that or everyone was at the football game.

We talked as we walked around the trail and gazed at the birds that flew by and the ducks in the pond.

The more and more time that me and him spent together the less I thought about Alex and Emily. For that matter it turned out to be a good day after all.

There were so many sounds around us honestly the only thing I could hear was our laughing.

"Wait I have to stop and tie my shoe." Lucas said I stopped and waited enjoying the scenery.

I didn't notice him come from behind me and wrap his arms around me even though the air was cold he was warm.

We began to walk until he spent me around and put his lips on mine for a short seconded there was no sound until he ran away like a shy little boy.

"Follow me!" He cried I had nothing better to do but to chase after him through the colorful trail of leaves.

I ran after him down a hill until we reached a creek out of breathe and silent we stared at each other he was full of surprises.

"Could you warn me next time you want to run a marathon." I said after each exhale.

"Aw and where's the fun in that?" He cheered picking up rocks.

He skipped them across the water it reminded me of some corny movie I had seen before but he made it worth watching.

I picked a seat on a rock and watched him grin and glance over to make sure he had my full attention.

He looked like a character that you could only find in a story book, picked right off the pages.

"So is this what you wanted to show me?"

"Yeah... My brother took me here when I was younger we came here rain or shine before he left."

"Oh..." I didn't know Lucas had a brother and now I was curious about where his brother was.

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