New dramas

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As nikki was sitting on her bed until it was time to leave to her first time at a school her mom was also starting work again she was missing a lot of days home schooling me. ''NIKKI LETS GO'' my mom yelled"I'm coming''I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door.On the way to school I saw three girls and they stared at me I turned away.''OK here we go new school don't make it like last time''I said in my thought I got out of the car and froze ''nikki are you OK ''my mom said ''y-yea I'm fine'' I started to walking the school.I had to go to the office to get my locker number and schedule when i got my locker number b245. I started reading and walking and bumped into a guy ''are you OK''he said ''yea''I said getting up''sorry''.When i got to my locker In I saw the girls I saw on the way here I opened my locker and put my things in there when I closed my locker the girls were walking over here and I can tell they don't want to be friends.''your a new student right'' one of the girls said I nodded ''When lets get one thing clear don't look talk or make me mad or else you'll get whats coming to you''.I looked confused as they left a girl ran up to me ''hay'' she said I just nodded and looked at my schedule''hmm not much of a talker are ya well anyway I'm mika mika-ma'' she sounded perky so I just said ''I'm nikki''and started walking to my class''you can talk well now that i know nikki lets be friends''She said I said "yea" and walked into class it was math "hello class I am Mr.yuke and i will be your math teacher for the year and today we will test your knowledge on multiplying now what is 70x35'' I raised my hand first and everyone stared "yes nikki" he Said ''2450" I yelled out''correct'' he said. The bell rang and we all left and I went into the lunch room and grabbed a tray and went to the salad bar and went to the table where mika was sitting ''hay'' I said'' hay you decided to sit with me''she said I nodded my head when I saw the tables there were a group of boys including the one I ran into.When I walked into science class there was only one seat left and it was next the the guy .I sat down a female teacher walked in and she said that this was her first time teaching ''well I am mrs.purple'' she said I glanced at the guy he was tapping his pencil on the table''OK class you each have a partner now you just need to get to know them so talk with your partner and learn more about them'' the guy held out his hand and said ''I'm drake-nik'' I grabbed his hand and said ''I'm nikki-shu'' I could of swore I blushed a little holding his hand.At the end of class I saw my mom waiting in the car for me when I was out the door a boy on a skateboard knocked me down and all my papers fell out drake bent down to help he put my papers in my bag and walked me to my car '' thanks'' I said ''no problem'' he said I opened the door and got in.When we got home my dog greeted us my dog buster was old but hyper I went in my room and looked at my hand -sigh- I got into my night gown and went to bed. The next morning I had to walk to school I got out the door and started walking drake was not far behind mika ran up to me ''hay''she said out of breath''guess who is running for school president ''she said ''who'' I said ''ME THAT'S WHO!''she said happy drake speed walked to us I looked at him I saw red in his cheeks ''hay drake'' I said ''hay ''he said .When we got to school mika went to the office''can i ask you something ''drake said''what is it'' have you ever been to a date before''he said blushing and inch I said''no,why'' n-no reason''mika walked out of the office she said ''I'm so excited hay lets all go eat at lucky sushi after school ''uh yea'' I said ''drake you in''mika said"yea sure"he said I smiled.

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