Chapter Thirty-One

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Sorry for the wait! It's been a crazy winter. But here's a long chapter that I'm so excited about. Comments/Votes are greatly appreciated especially now that I'm free to write more so feel free to give any type of feedback you have :)

I remember attending San Donato's feast day celebration several years ago with my mother, and being in awe of how hard the men who marched in the band hit their drums. It was so arduous and forceful that I could feel the vibration in my chest as if my body meant to intentionally emulate the rhythm.

However, as I say before my vanity, fingers slippery from perspiration and legs shaky from anticipation, I couldn't help but realize that my heart was no longer trying to emulate those bass and tenor drums. My heart was trying to be those bass and tenor drums.

"Claire." Anne peaked her head into my bedroom. "You haven't dressed yet." I bit down on my lip, rubbing my palms together.

"I-I'm nervous." She smirked and came over.

This was the evening. The evening I'd been entirely confident about several days prior. The evening that now I dreaded since my heart was beating at an alarming rate and my body was producing sweat by the barrel. I was scared and nervous and worried. In two hours we would step into the belly of the beast and conduct a con so scandalous and risky that even the men of the Tammany Society wouldn't dare to partake in it.

"That's quite natural." Anne stated, running her fingers along the gray and gold sequenced dress I was meant to be adorned in.

"Are you nervous?" I tucked some hair behind my ear.

"Well, I am nervous about the tightness of my undergarments. I don't want my breasts to be exposed to the entirety of New York." She joked. I furrowed my brows and stood up.

"I'm serious Anne!" She giggled and placed her hands on both of my shoulders.

"You have to settle down." She handed me the dress and I slipped in easily, feeling comfort in the gentle touch of chiffon on my skin.

"May I come in?" A voice said at the other end of the door after a double knock.

"Yes." Anne responded, fastening the last button of my dress.

Leo entered the room in yet another elegant black three-piece suit. Upon meeting the con unit I was able to understand the etiquette behind attire that could be afforded by those outside of the Lower East Side.

He tossed his black homburg between both hands and stopped at the center of the room. The sight of him put me at minor ease and I was more than pleased with his presence.

"Claire, your forehead is glistening." He stated as he walked closer to me. Anne stifled a laugh behind me as I glanced over at Leo and sighed.

"I've been very nervous." I admitted almost feeling embarrassed. Leo nodded and then looked at Anne.

"Anne, could you give us a moment please?" She shrugged her shoulders and exited the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Nervous seems to be an understatement." Leo smirked.

"If I could find another fitting word, I would use it." I wiped my forehead and breathed deeply. "How do I get rid of this feeling?"

Leo reached into his jacket pocket and produced an embroidered flask.
"I know you rarely drink but whisky seems to calm even the most spastic individual." I snatched the flask from him and took a swig of the burning liquid, finding the sensation in my throat partially satisfying.

"Keep it with you." He said when I tried to hand it back. I tucked it in a strap that aligned my thigh.

"Are you clear on what you need to do tonight?"

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