This here is an epilogue to the short story, The Interlopers, written by.... uh... someone... It was in my language arts text book, and this was a journal entry I had to write for it! my teacher gave me a 10/10 (yippy!) and i kind of liked this one hahahaha. If you've read the story then enjoy my version of an epilogue!
The original story ends with two feuding neighbours being trapped together beneath a fallen log. They make peace with each other and call to help. Their cries for help instead attrack the attention of wolves...
The wolves inched closer, eyes never straying from the point of their curiosity. Silver eyes, glinting in the moonlight, were suddenly staring Ulrigh square in the eyes. Stifling a scream of terror, the wolf breathed a little puff of warm breath, smelling of decaying meat, in his face and trotted around the fallen tree.
After sniffing Georg all round, as it did beforehand with Ulrich, a sound silent to the two men made the wolves ears prick with interest. A moment later a lone roebuck darted out from behind a nearby bush. The wolves lowered themselves to the ground and sure enough, another dozen followed behind the first, not seeing the danger.
The wolves took off and the two men let out a sigh of relief.
"Well my friend, it seems as though we have survived yet another of mother nature's trials!" Ulrich laughed shakily.
"Yes, indeed." replied Georg, his own laughter softly echoing Ulrich's. He extended his arm and the two shook hands over the log.
At precisely that moment, on either side of them, men armed with guns positioned themselves around the two men pinned under the fallen tree.
The men surrounding the side where Georg was pinned were Ulrich's men; the men surrounding Ulrich, Georg's.
"Ah, do not not fire, my friends! A truce has been found." Ulrich said quickly. Georg's men looked at him uncertainly.
"It is true," Georg backed him up. "But in order for us to work it out, we need to have this tree lifted from us." he added impatiently.
Looking as though they'd had a bucket of ice water dumped upon their heards, the stunned men hurried to grab various limbs of the tree.
A simutanious chorus of "One, two, three's!" and with that the tree was gone.
Once they had arrived at Ulrich's lodging, for his was slightly larger, they celebrated with good wine after cleaning and dressing their wounds.
The forester folk were astonished when word of the unbelievable truce had spread. They simply could not accept this for near a full week.
After some time, the two men grew old and passed away peacefully together one night. The night they were buried, a fierce shriek of wind tore a branch off a beech tree, which landed squarely accross the two graves of Ulrich von Gradwitz and Georg Znaeym.
Ahh, what a peacefull ending for the two of them bickering old souls. Of course, this endind would make more sense if you read the story in the first place!
Short Entries
Teen FictionI like writing descriptive paragraphs, what can I say? They aren't poetry, nor stries, and I can just write 'em, capture moods, and forget about them!