A Red Rose

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A red rose is love
Pricking those who come too close

Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Present Day

I slipped into the coffee shop - wincing slightly as the bell on the door gave an annoyingly loud clang to announce my arrival. However, no one paid me any mind as I jumped in the back of the line.

I slipped on my headphones – purposely to discourage anyone from coming and trying to talk me. Usually there was at least one person who tried to talk to me anyway – ignoring the universal message to stay away. But it seemed like everyone was rather busy to pay me any attention anyway.

"How can I help you?" the tiny girl asked once I reached the front of the line. Goodness, could she talk any lower? He could barely hear her over the loud bustle of this place.

"Iced Coffee," I basically grunted out.

The tiny brunette gave me the total, handing me back 30 cents in change. I merely shoved it in my wallet – already full of change because I was too anxious to stand there and count out the correct amount of change.

After getting my drink, I took a seat at one of the tables – in fact the only empty table, over by the windows in the corner. The place was full of people – rushing in and rushing out to grab a cup of coffee before leaving for work.

"Pardon, I hate to be a bother, but may I sit here?" a voice came from my right, startling me slightly.

I twisted around to see another man who... quite frankly had seen better days.

He had a brown leather messenger bag slung over his shoulder – with papers seemingly shoved in there either recklessly or quickly. The man was wearing a brown leather jacket, bright plain red shirt underneath. Black skinny jeans following dark red and gold adidas sneakers. He looked a fit frazzled – eyes pleading and wide and his breath was coming out in short puffs, as if he had run here or something.

"I don't talk," I informed him. "But feel free," I said, waving my hand at the seat across from me.

"Oh my stars, thank you so much," the man said gratefully, setting his... massive pile of things on the table and chair. "I have a major deadline due this afternoon - well, multiple deadlines actually - and I simply haven't the time to such back home," he said. "Would you mind watching my things for a short moment?"

I didn't bother to respond verbally, giving the man a curt nod. He gave me a quick grateful smile as he got in line.

I sighed, taking another sip of my drink.

It seemed like only a couple of seconds had passed before the man returned, a drink in hand. "Hot chocolate," he answered smiling.

"...You came to a coffee shop...and got hot chocolate?"

"The smell of coffee helps me think," the man explained as he reached into his messenger bag, pulling out a laptop. "However I do not particularly enjoy the taste."

I raised my eyebrows at that, glancing pointedly at the iced coffee in my hands.

"Uh," the man stammered, cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Apologies, um, I'm afraid I never caught your name," the man stuttered, cheeks even pinker.

I didn't even bother to give him a response, merely raised my eyebrows at him again.

"Pardon, I should introduce myself," the man said, flushing even further at my silence. "I am called Roman – I mean, my name is Roman," he stuttered, flushing even further, holding his hand out for a handshake. "English is not my first language," he explained, even though there wasn't a trace of an accent in his voice.

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