Chapter two

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"Would you please shut up?" I whispered behind me stood jack who was mubleing the lyrics of a random song. "Why? Your just jelous that i can sing and you can." He said childlessly. I rolled my eyes and kepted walking.

Your probly thinking 'What the hell is going on?' Well, so it started with a secret.

couple hours earlier.

"Where are we going?" I felt the bed shift under me but i kept my eyes shut. "Shh.. you'll wake her." Another voice said, this one was much girlier, ugh I really don't want to open my eyes.. 

I opened one eye and saw nothing. I slowly sat up and looked around, Ryder was gone and his jacket is gone from where i hangged it a couple hours ago, The door was opened slightly and I could hear foot steps walking around the house, I got up and walked to the door and opened it, pitch black. I flicked the switch on and walked to mason,jack and nate's room. "Wake up sleeping beautys!"I whispered, I flipped the lights on and off and they groaned. 

"I need one of you..." I said quietly.

"Not it!''

"Not it!"

"No-" Jack stoped and groaned. he sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. They were a bit red and it looked as if he been crying. "I'm fine." He said as if he read my mind. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck, I kissed his cheek and i felt some tears fall on my shoulder as he quietly sobbed.. What ever was going on, i needed to find out A.S.A.P

"Jack, whats wrong?" I asked, He shook his head and he mumbled under his breath, 'i'll tell you later.' I nodded and lifted his head. I looked into his eyes and saw so many emotions filled in his eyes. "I'll tell you later, I promise." he said he rubbed his eyes and yawned. "What do you need?" He asked. "i'm not aloud to leave this house alone, Ryder's gone and so is Hannah...I know i sound like a attatched girl friend but please?" I whispered and gave him my puppy dog eyes. He sighed and stood up, we walked down stairs where the back door was wide open and the lights on the porch we're on.


"Weird, it's like they want us to know that they left." Jack said, I nodded and grabbed my sweater and slipped on my white toms. "Lets go." We walked through the back yard and then into the forest. I could see foot prints in the muddy ground, we kept following them until the stopped at a moutian.

couple hours later.

"Would you please shut up?" I whispered behind me stood jack who was mubleing the lyrics of a random song. "Why? Your just jelous that i can sing and you can." He said childlessly. I rolled my eyes and kepted walking. 

I looked up through the trees and stared at the half moon, 2 days until full moon.

"Oh c'mon Ryder, Just this one time." I slapped my hand over jack's mouth, "shh.." I pointed to the direction and he nodded. we walked toward the sound of whispering. I crouched down beside a bush and watched at she wrapped her arms around Ryder's neck.

"You get 60 seconds and then you tell me." she nodded and stared at me and smirked. I herd Ryder sigh and then she pushed her lips to his.

"1,2,3,4,5,si-" I elbowed Jack in the gut and he groaned. I narowned my eyes at him and his put his hands up in surrender. I turned back to them when 60 seconds was over and they were still at it! I watched at Ryder lifted his hand and looked at his watched and then pushed her away, "Now tell me." He said harshly.

"Eh, i'll tell you tomorow, oh hey June!" she said smirking at me. I glared at her and she just walked away.

"See ya!" she sang. I looked at jack and he look kinda heart broken..

"Wow, just bloody wow." I said. i shook my head and grabbed Jacks hand, "June, wait! please?" Ryder called i felt his hand grabbed my hand and pull me into his chest. I looked up and he nodded to Jack, and Jack quickly ran the way Hannah went..


I moved back a little and looked up into his eyes, Blank. They was nothing floating around them. No regret, guilt, nothing.

"Ryder, maybe we should take a break.." I said. His eyes widen and he grabbed my hands.

"Why? it was just small kiss.. i'm sorry." He said. I shook my head.

"We can't keep doing this, you cheat and think it's fine and i just get pissed then come back." I explained.

"But we're mates."

"I know, but we just need some space from each other." I said smiling a bit at him. He shook his head. "No, we're fine, we'll work this out. I'll stop doing things like this. I will." He clarified. I shook my head and let go of his hands and kissed his cheek. and ran through the woods and into the place where all my nightmares come from but, where the only thing of wisdom i can get.

"Daddy?" I called.


I think i rushed this.. Did i? I dunno..

alright, so one week of school left and then i'm free! I'll be editing book one, and then this will be what i mostly do.

Buh Bye. :]

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