Rise Together

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The city of New York City was in ruins. Amy and the other Defenders were standing their ground against an unknown evil to Amy. John and Julia's mouths dropped.

"Is this what our future turns out to be?" Julia asked in awe.

Buildings and cars were on fire. Dead bodies covered the roads as the Defenders pushed on trying to save their city. The Defenders Headquarters building was no longer where it used to stand. The Freedom Tower that stood tall and proud was no more. Buildings were collapsing one by one, causing massive clouds of dust to swoop the city.

As for Amy and Julia they stood alongside each other watching as a tiny ship landed in front of them. They activated the shield powers on their rings to protect themselves from the incoming danger.

Once the ships doors opened, shots were fired. Green bullets hit the shields. Both Amy and Julia looked at each other for the last time, or so they thought. Suddenly, Amy's shield failed; causing it to dissipate.

But before Amy could see anymore Julia and John pulled her into another portal. She was in tears. She couldn't believe what she had just seen before her very eyes.

Before she knew it, she was back in present time New York City. The Defenders Headquarters Tower was still standing. No buildings were collapsing. There were no dead bodies on the streets. Cars weren't burning.

~~Three Days Earlier~~

Amy and Merlin were sitting on the couch in Amy's apartment. They were watching a movie. Merlin kept inching closer and closer to Amy, hoping she wouldn't notice, but she did.

She glanced to her left at Merlin kept inching closer to her. She knew he was going in for the kill, but she didn't want to ruin the moment.

Her apartment was dark. She had her curtains closed, so the sunlight wouldn't reflect off of the tv. She hated that. Both Merlin and Amy were keeping their relationship a secret. They didn't want the rest of the team to know that they were dating.

The movie was nearing it's end. Both Merlin and Amy looked at each other. They both smiled and giggled a bit. Amy then leaned forward and grabbed the remote to the tv. She picked it up and pointed it at the tv and clicked the power button. The tv then turned off.

"Come here you!" Amy said as she leaped over on top of Merlin. She began kissing him.

~ The Next Morning ~

The next morning, both Amy and Merlin woke up. Amy was lying on top of Merlin as he slept away. She immediately looked down and sighed.

"Oh thank god. I'm still dressed," Amy whispered to herself as she slowly hoisted herself off of Merlin, who was still sound asleep.

It was dark in her apartment. The tv was off and the drapes were closed. A bright, green light was glowing and just barely lighting up the living room. It was coming from the cable box time clock.

Amy moaned because she was super tired. Both her and Merlin were up real late last night. Merlin suddenly woke from a deep sleep. He saw that Amy was on top of him. He freaked out and pushed Amy off of him as sat up.

"Did we? Oh man. That was a big turn of events," Merlin said as he began taking deep breaths trying to calm himself down. He pulled up the blanket and looked into the blanket. "Oh thank god. I'm still clothed. Martin's going to freak out if he finds out," Merlin continued as he looker over at Amy.

"Who's Martin? You know what? We'll talk about this later. We have to get to work. So get up and get ready. I'm sure the rest of the team is waiting for
us. We're already late as is," Amy said as she got up and put her brown leather coat on.

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