Debreifing/ Eldon's Arrival

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Hours had passed since Amy was taken into the medical wing to be treated. Everyone was upset about the whole incident. No one knew why though; except for Julia and John. All the Defenders were sitting in desk chairs, except Amy.

Amy was in the medical wing being treated for a severe anxiety attack. Julia and John were sitting next to each other. John was still in his pajamas from when Julia, Amy and him left in a hurry from the apartment.

Merlin, the temporary leader of the Defenders was standing at the front of the long conference table. There were folders sitting on the table in front of everybody, including John and Julia.

"Shall we begin?" Merlin asked in a calm manner. He then pulled his chair out and took a seat. He didn't say a word until he opened the folder to reveal the next mission.

Inside the yellow folder was a picture of Eldon. The picture was paper clipped onto the folder. Under the paper clipped picture, was a brief summary of Eldon. It read:

Eldon. An immortal entity capable of destroying planets within hours of touching the surface. The son of Vector, he grew up to become just like his father. Once he obtained his dark powers, he slaughtered his father to get revenge for what his father did to him. His father had beaten him badly while training him to become something more. Therefore, he is taking his revenge out on the galaxy.

After everybody had finished reading the brief history of why Eldon became who he is today, everyone had a question or two for Merlin, who was willing to answer them.

But before he could do so, the power went dark. Val, Freya, Evan, and everyone else suddenly went on high alert. The red back up lights turned on. The guards who were standing outside the conference room doors quickly ran away, leaving the Defenders to defend for themselves.

Valerie went cold, Freya withdrew her sword, Julia activated her sword from her ring, Evan took his gloves off, and Merlin's hands began to glowed blue.

"We'll continue this later. Everyone down to the main lobby..NOW! This is not a drill!" Merlin shouted as everyone ran out of them room, except John.

"Okay. I'll just...I'll just stay here if that's okay with you guys? Yeah? Okay!" John said to himself as the glass doors closed. Metal bars came down in front of the glass doors to protect John.

As everyone was making their way down to the main lobby they saw a woman's body floating in mid air. The guards had their weapons drawn. The building was on complete lockdown. All the exits to the building were sealed off. The woman that was floating in mid air was none other than Amy herself.

She was emitting black smoke, just like what Merlin saw in his vision a few days ago while sleeping at Amy's house. Amy's arms were pointing straight out. Her head was leaned back. Her eyes were completely black. Her hair was flowing freely as if she were swimming in water.

"No one go near her. Whatever that stuff is coming out of her hands, it could be dangerous. Stay back! That's an order!" Merlin yelled to the guards and the rest of the Defenders.

Everyone put their weapons away and took a few steps back. As for the Defenders, they all closed in and tried to see if she was hanging by cables or something.

"This could only be done by one person and one person only...Eldon. He must be controlling her somehow. Sending a message perhaps?" Merlin shouted as the black smoke continued to come out of Amy's hands.

Papers were fluttering all over the place. Everyone began coughing as the black smoke clouds grew larger. Merlin and the Defenders has to do something.

Suddenly, Amy's head went back to normal. It was no longer facing upwards towards the ceiling. Her eyes were wide open. They were all black. This wasn't the normal Amy. This was someone else. Suddenly, she started talking. But it wasn't her voice. It was a demonic deep voice speaking.

"The Defenders. Nice to finally meet you. It's been quite a journey hasn't it? First Pharaoh, then the Twisters. What's next? Oh my apologies. My name is Eldon. If you didn't know that already. Let's cut to the chase shall we?

I've been watching over you since the beginning. Ever since Pharaoh first appeared at that bank, I've been watching you. And that same night when Amy was at her apartment, I was the one to send the Twisters to her apartment to try and kill her. But as you can see, that plan failed tremendously.

Anyways, you have twenty-four hours to prepare for the first battle between me and you. I will put you to the test, I will push you to your limits, and last I will KILL each and every one of you. This world will fall. Just like all the others did just months before I arrived on this planet.

Are you willing to step up to the plate to save your race from becoming the next victim of my wrath? I guess we'll see in twenty four hours! Until then, get ready. Because once I'm done with you, you'll regret you even tried to save your god forsaken planet! Good luck my friends! I will see you all very, very soon!" Eldon said as Amy's body went back to normal.

Once Eldon was done taking over Amy's mind, her body quickly fell. Merlin lurched forward to just barely catch her. Her eyes went back to normal. The black smoke was no longer being emitted from her hands anymore.

It was like Eldon never took over her mind. She immediately went back into her deep sleep. The building went back to normal as if it were never on immediate lockdown.

But the Defenders have a major problem on their hands. And until Amy wakes up, their useless. Or are they?

"What if I step in for Amy until she's better?" Julia asked Merlin and he picked Amy up and began floating back to medical wing of the Defenders tower.

"Good idea. Until she's better, you can be her substitute. Meet me in my office in five!" Merlin said as he floated back to the medical wing, carrying Amy in his arms.

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