The Future

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Buildings and cars were on fire. The Defenders were all lined up waiting for Eldon to arrive. After his mothership destroyed 90 percent of New York City with its highly advanced artillery guns, it left the city and its people in chaos.

There were bodies lying motionless on the ground. Smoke filled the air. Papers and ashes fluttered down as everything around the Defenders burned. The city of New York was now almost nothing but ash. Fires raged on.

The streets were barely recognizable because there was so much ash on the ground. Their world was truly falling in front of them. If they couldn't defeat Eldon, no one could. He's just too powerful for the Defenders to fight alone!

As for Amy and Julia they stood alongside each other watching as a tiny ship landed in front of them. They activated the shield powers on their rings to protect themselves from the incoming danger.

Once the ships doors opened, shots were fired. Green bullets hit the shields. Both Amy and Julia looked at each other. Their faces and clothing were covered in white ash. Their hair was now full of white powder from the fires ash.

The green bullets kept on slamming into the shields, making them weaker and weaker by the second.

"These shields won't hold forever. Tell everyone to fallback. He's too powerful! We can't do this alone! We need to leave now or else we'll all die!" Amy shouted as her bright sky blue shield began to crack, indicating it was going to break any minute now.

Julia looked back and told everyone to fallback. Val started dragging Evan away because he was knocked unconscious by Eldon's mothership artillery guns. As for Freya, she stood her ground.

"If you two die, I'm dying with you! There's no way I'm falling back!" Freya shouted as held her sword in front of her waiting for Julia and Amy's shields to shatter. Once they shattered, she would sacrifice herself so that everyone else could live.

As for Merlin, he was busy helping the surviving people escape the fallen city. So he wasn't in any immediate danger as of now. People were still running the opposite direction from which the Defenders were.

"Julia! If I don't make it, I want you to tell Egor the news. He deserves to know!" Amy shouted as she stood her ground. Her shield was severely damaged by the nonstop fire from Eldon's soldiers. It's like they never had to reload their weapons.

"I'm not going to let you die Amy! You hear me! We're going to survive. I promise you that much!" Julia yelled back to Amy.

Suddenly, her shield shattered. The fire from the enemies weapons raged on. Julia watched as Amy was shot several times before falling to the ground. Julia deactivated her shield and fell to her knees. She knew she couldn't give up, she had to push forward and be strong.

So she stood back up. She began charging up her ring. As she was doing so, she opened a portal up to her time. A time where evil wasn't a threat to mankind. She then looked over at Val who was still dragging Evan away. Val then disappeared into the thick grey smoke. She then looked over at Freya!

Freya was running after the enemy with her sword by her side; in the ready position. As for Amy, she was lying on the ashy ground looking at Julia. She had her arm stretched out, indicating that she wanted Julia to grab her hand.

Julia screamed as she watched her friend die before her. With the portal opened, she ran over to Amy and picked her up by the shoulders and began dragging her away into the Portal.

But in doing so, she was shot a few times as well. But she didn't give up until she was on the other side of the portal. Once she was on the other side of the portal, she collapsed and began bleeding out very badly. Alongside her was Amy who was looking directly at Julia.

"Hey," Amy said faintly. "We're going to die as heroes. We tried our best, right?" Amy said as blood began to spill out of her mouth. She began coughing heavily as blood filled her throat.

Suddenly Amy woke up! She flew up off the medical bed and ran over to a mirror. She checked her face. There was no ash. She checked her hair. It wasn't filled with ash either. She sighed in relief.

"Thank god it was only a dream. I hope that's not how I die?" Amy said to herself as she turned on the faucet and cupped her hands together. She then splashed her face with cold water. "I need to find Merlin," Amy said as she took a towel and dried off her face. She then walked over to the room door and twisted the handle to open the door.

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