Raining Sand

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"Where's Pharaoh?" Merlin asked furiously as he walked into Pharaohs holding cell. All Merlin saw was a pile of sand on the cold stone floor. There were scrape marks on the ground.

Merlin looked at the other guards and yelled at them. He then grabbed a guard by the collar and pushed him up against the brick wall. Merlin's eyes began to turn all black, indicating he was extremely mad about Pharaohs escape.

"Who in the name of might let Pharaoh escape? Tell me!" Merlin said as he was interrupted by a demonic voice over the loudspeakers.

Merlin slowly put the guard down and ran out of the cell and down the hallway. He then walked into a room where the camera operators were located. The microphone was there, but no one was speaking into the microphone. The dark room was empty, but Merlin knew that it was Pharaoh talking into the microphone. He must've gotten away before Merlin approached the room.

The guard that was watching over all the cameras in the building, was lying on the floor. Sand was spilling out of his mouth, indicating that he was suffocated to death by sand. That was another clue that stood out to Merlin.

He then opened the door to the room and ran out, leaving the dead guard in the room. Before he ran away from the room, he melted the handle so that no one else would get in and out of the room.

"Pharaoh! Show yourself! I'm not playing any of your games anymore!" Merlin yelled as he kept turning around in circles looking for Pharaoh.

"I'm right here!" Pharaoh said as Merlin turned in the direction to which he heard his voice. But Pharaoh wasn't there. Merlin kept turning in a circle trying to find Pharaoh, but wherever he turned, he wasn't there.

"No! I'm not there. I'm right behind you!" Pharoah whispered in Merlin's left ear as he quickly turned around to only find a closing portal. Merlin quickly jumped into the closing portal.

Once he was in the portal, it was like he was floating. Pharaoh was flying around on his sand platform. Merlin saw him and tried throwing fireballs at him, but missed.

Inside the portal, everything was green. It was nothing but a green abyss. Merlin kept on trying to shoot Pharaoh, but it wasn't working.

"Stop that. If you shoot me, we'll be stuck in here the rest of our lives," Pharaoh yelled as he continued to fly around in circles. "Well your life really. I'm already dead," Pharaoh continued to say to Merlin.

Suddenly, a portal opened beneath Merlin, causing him to be sucked in and thrown out of the portal. He was free-falling when all of a sudden he slammed into an invisible object in the sky. It was extremely windy, almost blowing Merlin around like he was a piece of paper.

Before the portal closed above Merlin, Pharaoh flew through it. But doing so, caused his body to be split in half once more. And this time, his legs were trapped inside the green abyss.

"My legs!" Pharaoh cried as he fell onto the invisible floating object. Once he hit the surface of the invisible object, his bones all broke apart, leaving him in pieces. Merlin laughed. "Only if you were human like me!" Merlin laughed again as he pointed at Pharaoh was. "Let me just pull out my phone real quick. This is going on my Instagram!" Merlin said as he pulled out his phone from his coat pocket and snapped a picture of Pharaoh.

"Wait! Why aren't we falling anymore?" Pharaoh asked as he looked around. "Do you know where we are?" Pharaoh asked nervously as he continued to look around.

Suddenly, the invisible object began to reveal itself. It was a massive ship hovering over New York City. The reflectors on the ship began to reveal itself.

"Eldon is here!" Pharaoh said to himself as his body pieces began to hop away from Merlin. Merlin put his phone back in his pocket. He then ran after Pharaohs hopping body pieces and grabbed his head. "Who's Eldon?" Merlin asked in a serious tone as he held Pharaohs head in his right hand.

"Oh. You won't believe it. He's the one that sent me here to kill all of you. And if I failed, which I did TWICE, he said he would come to finish what I started! But I swear I didn't know he would be here so soon!" Pharaoh said as he bit Merlin's thumb, causing Merlin to drop his head.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I must die now...again! Goodbye Merlin. It was nice fighting you!" Pharaoh said as his head fell off the ship.

"Oh dear. Where's Amy when you need her?" Merlin said as he stood on the hovering ship.

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