Tip Four

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(author's note: sorry for such short tips.😁 I'll try to start making them longer. Thanks for reading!)

Tip #4: Be positive

Maybe your day isn't going the greatest; your four year old cousin woke you up at 6:30 am, all the clothes you like are dirty, or there's nothing good to eat for breakfast. You may think to yourself, "Wow, it's only 8:30 in the morning, and I'm already have a horrible day." If you think that, think again. Since your cousin woke you up early, that means more time to play with him. If all your clothes are dirty, this could be a chance to go out and buy some new ones. And when there's nothing good to eat for breakfast, that could mean your uncle is out getting you and your cousins donuts. You see, don't expect the worse, be positive and always hope for the best.

Do you think of the glass half empty or half full? If you pick half full, good choice. Being a half full kind of person means you always interpret situations and events as being the best. But, if you pick half empty, you should think about changing your set of mind. Thinking half empty means you see or anticipate the worst. That is definitely not a good way to think or act.

If you are pessimistic person there are many ways I think, and hope, can be able to help you change how you see the world. First, be grateful. Be grateful for everything you have and don't have. Appreciate the money you or your parents have to buy you whatever electronic you are reading this book on. But also be glad you aren't living on the side of the road with limited food, water, and clothes. Next, let loose and have fun. Don't try to overthink everything. Just take a break from life and relax. Read a book, watch a movie, listen to music, or (my personal favorite) write. Once you aren't so stressed you may actually be able to see all the good things in the world. And finally, think. Just think. Think about your life, your future, but never your past. Leave that behind, and only focus on the good thing that are coming up.

Be enthusiastic about your life. Believe you will always accomplish everything you do. Think you will be the best at everything you try. And imagine yourself doing great things. If you have this kind of mind set, you can do anything.

My final words are just think positive and positive things will happen. Have a positive mind, positive vibes, and a positive life.❤️

(author's note: sorry it wasn't as long as I said it would be.😁 Next tip will be longer, I promise! Thanks for reading and please leave feedback!)

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