Tip Six

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(author's note: AHHHHH, I haven't written in so long. I've been kinda busy lately with camps, friends, and summery stuff so I haven't found a lot of time to write. Sorry for the wait!)

Tip 6: Have good friends

You have the power to choose your friends. No one can tell you who and who not to hang out with. Here in this tip you will learn the qualities I think every good friends should have as well as some extra "stuff." You may disagree with me and that's ok. Please share your opinion, I would honestly love to hear it. Also share this tip with a friend. You never know, it might make them a better person.

Ok, so my first quality is honesty. You don't want someone you tell everything to to lie to you. You need to be able to ask your friend a serious question and get the actual answer to it. And I'm not talking about silly questions like, "Oh, who do you like?" I'm talking about questions like, "Did you tell someone this secret I told you not to tell anyone?" When you ask your friend those kinds of questions I bet 100% of the time you want the truth and nothing but the absolute truth, and if you have an honest friend, you will get just that. Sometimes the truth hurts. Let's say it turns out that your friend did tell people your secret. You probably are upset and angry at your friend, but that's no reason to start a fight with them. You don't want to be in a fight with your best friend because trust me, it's probably one if the worst things. I say this coming from experience. Ok, off topic, sorry. So as I was saying you just need to talk to your friend, and if you find out they weren't being honest, ask them why. Don't yell at them and preferably do this face to face, NOT over text. So overall, trust your friend because that's what friends are for.

Now for the second quality. A listener. You need someone you can just spill your heart out to. Your friend should be the person you can always turn to when you need advice because you should know they will always listen to the crazy, stupid drama in your life. No matter if it's boy trouble or school problems, your best friend should have heard it all by now. For example, it could be 2 o'clock in the morning after a long and tiring day. But, y'all aren't aware of the time because y'all both are to busy listening to each other just talk about the most randomest things in the world. (little author's note: sorry for my excessive use of the world "y'all." I'm from Texas, what can I say?) Anyways, as I was saying, it doesn't matter when and where or how and why, all that matters is that your best friend is listening to you go on and on about everything you could possibly think of. Even if you don't know it, they will always be there for you.

The third and final quality for a best friend to have is originality. You don't want a friend that is exactly like everyone else and does exactly what everyone else does. You probably want to hang out with someone who is different, unique, and not afraid to be themselves because, even if you might not know it, they may be helping you try new things or even help you start to see your true self. If you're one of those people who haven't really "found" what they love yet, you're best friend could possible start to help you find it.

Now here is a little clarification for you all. If your best friend doesn't "fit" into any of these three categories I'm not saying you should dump them and never speak to them again. DEFINITELY don't do that! Share this book with them, and talk to them about what you like and dislike about them. Don't be harsh and demand they change right away. The person they were before you told them about it may actually be the real person they are. But, since you can never be sure, just tell them if aren't listening, being honest, or being themselves. That's all you can do to help them become the person you know they can be.

But overall, just enjoy being with your friend. Cherish the times you have with them. Make memories, have fun, and just be happy that you have them in your life. Friends are family, and family is forever. Always love your friends no matter what happens or what they do. Never ever give up on them. Just always be there for them to talk, do crazy things, or whatever. They need a shoulder to cry on, laugh on, and lean on, and you should always have that shoulder. I'm kind of rambling about random things, but, I think, they all relate to my original point. Having a good friend. A good friend, actually good isn't a good enough word to describe this person, a best friend will protect you, care about you, talk to you, do anything for you, cheer you up, laugh and smile with you, go thru everything with you, take a bullet for you, and won't ever leave you. You should be glad to say you know someone like this. Heck, you should be glad to call this person your best friend. Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest. It's about who came, and never left your side.❤️

(author's note: Sorry for the wait guys! I hope this tip makes the wait worth while. Shoutout to all my wonderful friends. I can't thank y'all enough for being in my life. I know I'm weird or annoying at times, but thank you again for sticking with me all these years. I love you guys so much.💕 Oh and readers, be thankful for your best friend. You may not know how much they mean to you or how much you mean to them.)

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