Tip Five

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(author's note: AHHHHHHH sorry for not posting in like forever. Ok it's only been like 2 days but still...I just got back from Minnesota so I have been a bit busy. Sorry again!😁 Thanks for reading!)

Tip #5: Do what you love

Look at what you're doing at this very moment. You could be reading a book or watching the World Cup on TV. To some people, that may seem boring, but to others, they are enjoying themselves. You could be be doing something extraordinary like getting ready to go skydiving or zip lining. But, some other people could be doing something low key like taking a nap or helping their parents cook. Either way, everyone in the world should be doing something they love.

Like I said in a previous tip, everyone has different personalities and hobbies. Maybe you're sporty so you like to play outside or perhaps you're a bit lazy which means you love to read and watch movies. You see, people's hobbies and interests match how they act.

Life is short and you only get one chance to live it so why not spend it doing things you love. If you fill your days with things you aren't very fond of, you most likely won't be very happy. I mean, what's the point? This is YOUR life. YOU are living it. Fill it with things YOU love. Let's use myself as an example. I'm not a very big fan of pools so when all my friends go swimming, most of the time I stay back and have fun with them when I'm outside of the water. It benefits me and them. I'm not doing something I don't particularly prefer, and they aren't stuck with a grumpy friend in the water. It's a win win situation!

That brings me to my next point. We are all teenage girls and boys, and one of our favorite things to do is hang out with our friends. Some people say opposites attract, and I indeed believe that. So that means you and your friends aren't going to like the same stuff. If one of you are outgoing and the other is shy, the shy friend isn't going to want to dance crazily at a party. But that's ok. The shy friend can stay back, and the outgoing friend can go find some other crazy people to dance with. Again, a win win situation. The shy friend doesn't have to embarrass them-self and the outgoing friend gets to dance. Yay!

I'm not saying you shouldn't try new things but the point I am trying to get through is that you should live your own life and enjoy it. You only get one chance so you've got to live like you're dying. Why spend that one chance tagging along with everyone else and do whatever they're doing? Be different. Be unique. Be yourself. Just go out, make memories, and love every minute of life because you never know when these chances could be taken away from you.

Well actually...I don't truly know if you only have one chance. You may come back as a giraffe or something when you die. Either way, do whatever your giraffe brain wants. If all the other giraffes are eating the hay stuff they give you at the zoo, but you're really feeling that tree over there, go eat the tree. Eat those leaves and love each and every one. Ok sorry, it's like really late and I'm on a plane plus there's numerous little kids crying. But I guess this is still kind of on topic...OH WELL.

My final words are live your life doing the things you love. Don't follow other people, be the leader in your own life. I guarantee you will be happier if you just do your own thing sometimes. It's ok to be different and not do what everything else is doing. That means you're brave enough to be yourself.❤️

(author's note 2: Balrg...it still isn't that long. Sorry guys, I think if I write too much I'll start to get off topic and stuff so this is as long as my tips are probably going to get. Thanks for reading!)

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