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    I was coming out of the school building. Lunch had just ended and all the kids were going outside. It was my first day , me and my parents had just moved to McCormick county. My dad was going to be stationed here for a while. I was antisocial...so I kept to myself. I sat on the bench to the left of the playground. As I was watching the kids play on the playground, I opened my lunchbox and pulled out the slip saying that I was going to be bumped up to the fifth grade. The school had saw my academic performance at my previous school. They tested me and saw that I was too advanced for my second grade classes.

    My parents had to sign the slip to grant the school permission to do so. I wasn't the playful type of kid...I was more of a bookworm. I grabbed To Kill A Mockingbird out of my lunchbox and tried to remember the page left off on.    

    As soon as I got into the book a girl with a bright pink dress came and stopped in front of me. She stood there with the most peculiar smile on her face. Out of nowhere she started tapping my shoulder rapidly. I looked up at her.

    "Why the blank face? bust smile girl! she laughed.

All I thought was who was this ball of pink sunshine? She couldn't even keep still for one second.

    "So...you're a silent one" she said as she rocked with her hand on her hips. She then plopped beside me. She was the only one who bothered to talk to me that day.

    "Whatcha reading" she asked.

    "To Kill A Mockingbird" I replied.

Her eyes grew wide when she saw the size of the brick size book in my lap.

    "You're reading that giant thing...you must be really smart"

I saw that this girl liked to ask a lot of questions. I remember my daddy told me "Befriend the ones with an open-mind, they are the ones who would understand you and would be accepting of who you are".  I closed my book and observed her for a sec.

    "My name is Anyla...and yours is"? I asked.

    "Girl, I thought that you'd never close that book, and the names Amber" she replied, "So I the only one you've spoken since you been here" she asked.

    "Yeah" I replied.

    "Yep, we're going to be best friends, I can see it, Anyla and Amber" she said enthusiastically as she look up in the air with her hands reaching the sky.

    "Uh...sure we can be best friends" I said

    "Awesome"! She screamed, "Come on, let's go" she insisted.  She tugged me forward and we ran to the playground .

    And after that convinced my parents to not sign the slip...me Amber were friends all the way up to junior year.

    Now, she's gone...

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more to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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