Teaming Up

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Teaming Up

Naraku stood there holding the jewel in his hand. He smiled evilly.

The jewel is finally mine. What to do now? What type of wish to wish for?” said Naraku.

Kikyo watches Naraku closely. She wonders also what he will do next with the jewel.

Meanwhile with Kagome and InuYasha.

What do you think he will do now?” said Kagome.

I am not sure. But we better find Naraku first before he makes a wish.” said InuYasha.

At this point. Kagome and InuYasha have no clue what to do. The jewel was gone. Naraku was back. Sesshomaru and Kikyo was working for him. What else could go wrong?

Kaname's POV

My plan is working perfectly.”

I smiled. The pieces on my chessboard was moving around nicely.

Soon. Check Mate!”

What do you have plan for Zero and Yuki?” said Rain behind me.

I stopped and turned around.

What's wrong, Rain. Don't like whats happening? I thought this is what you wanted?”

It was. I mean. I changed my mind. I don't want this. If Yuki finds out who you truly are.....” said Rain.

She will not. Because you will not tell her. No one will.”

I turned back around and walked away.

But she will find out one day.” said Rain walking close behind.

Yuki's POV

What now? What do you think Kaname is hiding?”

Zero looked at me.

Not sure. But he is hiding something. What he is hiding, who knows.” said Zero.

I looked at Zero and felt my heart skip a beat. We stared at each other for a sec until I turned away.

Do you think Kagome and InuYasha are okay?”

Maybe.” said Zero.

I could feel his eyes still on me. I looked back at him and notice his eyes was red.

Zero, are you okay?”

He didn't say a word. He walked up to me slowly. He stopped in front of me and looked at me.

Are you hungry?”

Still no word. He lowered his head down toward my neck and kissed it. I shivered.


He licked my neck and I felt a cold chill run over my body. I could feel his sharp fangs on my skin. He bite down. I let out a small moan. I felt him wrap his arms around me. For some reason. I loved this feeling. Him drinking from me. It felt right.

Kagome's POV

InuYasha and I was looking for Zero and Yuki. When we spotted them next to a fountain. There I notice Zero was drinking Yuki's blood. I felt a small pain in my heart. Why was I feeling this? I had InuYasha back.

Are you okay, Kagome?” said InuYasha.

I looked up at him.

Yes. I am fine.”

I lied. I wasn't fine. Something was wrong. I had feelings for Zero.

Yuki's POV

I felt Zero release his hold on me. He licked my neck and looked at me with his normal eyes. His eyes was a lavender color again.

Feel better?”

He smiled. For the first time. He smiled.

Yes. Thank you Yuki.” said Zero.

We stared at each other again. He started to lean in again closer to my face. Until we heard a voice.

Yuki! Zero! Over Here!” said a voice behind us.

I turned away from Zero fast to see who it was. It was InuYasha and Kagome. I didn't notice the confused look on Zero's face. I watched the two walked up to us. I looked at Kagome and she had a hurtful looked on her face. Why did she look like that?

Hey, so what happen?”

We lost the jewel and we need help.” said InuYasha.

What can we do?” said Zero.

Not sure. But who two are vampires. Maybe that can do something for us.” said Kagome.

Normal POV

Things wasn't looking good for us four. Kagome and InuYasha lost the jewel. Kaname was hiding things. It was getting hard to control myself around Yuki. What else could happen? I listen to InuYasha make up a plan to get the jewel. But I felt uneasy. I looked at Kagome. She seemed to be not all here. I wonder what was wrong?

The real question was. Would we get the jewel back? Would we find out Kaname's secrets? Would I ever tell Yuki how I really felt? Not sure. Only time will tell.

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