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"Mom now I have too many clothes." Jungkook bickers as he looked over all the outfits that his mother had prepared and hung up in his walk in closet.

"Well, that's what walk in closets are for, too many clothes!" His mom says, smiling as she sets the shoes that she bought for Jungkook on the lower shelf in the closet. "And even better, this way it's quality AND quantity!"

Jungkook sighs as he lays down on his twin sized bed like a rag doll, completely tired out from shopping, somehow. Since he isn't very athletic, being taken out on a shopping spree, where he'd have to stand, definitely isn't ideal.

"Mom, I'm going to sleep." Jungkook says.

"Alright, I'm still going to go get some school supplies for ya' so I'll be out. Remember, one week until school starts!" His mother says, before hopping out of the room excitedly.

Jungkook sighs as he takes his phone of the bedside table to text Jimin, struggling with the small keys.


Kook: Hey so I wanted to ask what the school's like

Jiminie: well hope hyung says it's pretty 'wild'.
I've heard that there's hot girls too tho

Kook: ew
              What are the people like

Jiminie: I've heard that the school is pretty rebellious
so your innocence will be dead soon

Kook: pfft I'm too cool to be innocent

Jiminie: one time this person gave me a blowjob

Kook:  Whatsthat

Jiminie: you just proved my point

Kook: Wait seriouslywhats a blowjob is it like a hairdresser thing

Jiminie: I guess it could be

Kook: wat do you mean it could be


Jungkook sighs before setting his phone aside and falling asleep quickly, drifting off into his colourful dreamland.

Jungkook P.O.V


Oh this must be a dream.

I look around in the darkness, turning to see a microphone standing alone in the dark, a spotlight set on it. I decide to stand up and see what's going on.

The microphone seems like it's calling to me. Does it want me to sing or something?

I grab onto the microphone and it lights up a stage, with an empty crowd except for an unfamiliar stranger in the centre. He seems about to be about the same age as me.

"Oo Kookie why don't you sing?" The boy says, suddenly teleporting in front of me on the stage. To say it shocked me how a stranger in my dream could teleport would be an understatement.

He has brown hair and long dark eyelashes, brown eyes and a big box-like smile. The way his nose wrinkles up as he smiles so uniquely sparks my curiousity, wondering how a dream could have this much unrequited detail.

"What should I sing?" I ask, feeling weirdly in control of my speech in this odd dream.

"Haven't you been working on an original?" The boy asks, his voice seeming a bit deep in comparison to his physical appearance.

"Oh yeah, I have. I guess I'll sing that one." I say, before a cluster of semi-bright lights point toward me in perfect symmetrical angles.

I look at the boy in front of me. Somehow, with the lights shining down, I can see him much clearer. He's flawless. He resembles an angel.

The music comes on and I ease into the sound, closing my eyes. I start singing. I never realized how beautifully the song echoed through the empty stadium.

"I can't take it anymore
Because you are crying
I want to cry in your place
Although I can't."

Singing out loud is so freeing. I continue through, opening my eyes to see the boy in front of me who has a wide smile. I see him mouth the words of something, and I can understand.

"Can I sing along?"

I nod.

Another microphone appears and the boy takes it. His bangs falling lightly over his eyelids as he looks down at the microphone and starts singing.

His deep voice echos beautifully along with mine, echoing across the walls of the large stadium. Melody, harmony. We sound good together.

It feels strange to have a dream that feels this weird, butterflies piling in my stomach one by one as the notes escape my lips in breathy sounds. The deep almost raspy voice of the unknown boy envelopes my own, the music sending shivers down my spine.

The song ends, the microphones disappearing which startled me and makes the box smile boy giggle.

"What's your name?" I ask.

The boy looks up at me and I can see how beautiful he is. His eyes glimmering in the spotlight, his smile shining, as if he was a living star. I've never seen someone like him before, being so perfectly imperfect that it urges me to know all I can about him. It's like I'd met him somewhere, but didn't remember.

The boy mouths something, but I can't hear anything. Even so I memorize the movements of his mouth for if I ever meet him again.

The room goes dark, complete silence.

Third person P.O.V.

Jungkook suddenly sits up in his bed.

"I didn't... hear you.." Jungkook mutters to himself, the image of the boy still in his mind. He remembers the mouth movements and can only pinpoint the last name but not the first.

"Kim.. Kim what?" Jungkook asks himself.

He looks over at his alarm clock and sighs. 4:46 a.m.

"Guess I'll have to just go back to sleep."


Boom Shakalacca

Quick shoutouts to my mates SugashusbandsHusband ReYikLa bambihoseok

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