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-6 years later-

"One espresso!" Taehyung yells from the counter of his Seoul coffee shop, the smell of caffeine wafting through the small business as he tries to get his employees to work after, despite not having many customers. "Name?"

"Chanyeol." The brunette man replies, a smile gracing his well aligned features.

Taehyung grabs the coffee cup and writes 'Chanyeol' on it. "Have a nice day!" He says, handing the warm cup kindly to the man as his ring slides across the paper-like material.

As the man walks away, Taehyung quickly slides an elastic off his wrist and ties his hair back to keep it from sliding into his chocolaty eyes any longer. He glances at the tied bracelet on his wrist with a smile, a purple flower charm hanging off it. "Jiminie how're you doing over here?"

The short boy jumps at the mention of his name, wiping his hands briefly against the soft brown apron tied around his small waist. "Pretty well, I'm glad it isn't too busy cause I wouldn't be able to focus. Lots going on in my mind."

"Your daughter doing well?" Taehyung asks, grabbing a cup quickly for himself and taking a carton of warm milk from the microwave beside him.

"Oh goodness, she's four already. They grow up too fast." Jimin giggles, his black locks bouncing lightly. "She's been making friends in the new neighbourhood, thank god. I think she's been adjusting fairly well."

Taehyung hums fairly, pouring the warm milk into his cup carefully. "I wish I had a kid, I love children."

"Well you're basically Jimchi's uncle, so that's close." Jimin jokes, his eyes turning into crescents as his pudgy cheeks mold into a warm grin. "But I get it, you've been single since like high school."

"I'm waiting for the right person." Taehyung states sassily, lifting the cup of milk up to his lips and taking a quick sip. "It's not everyday that you find your soulmate."

The blonde rolls up his sleeves, exposing his forearms. On his skin is bracelet-like pattern of small tattoos, covering a row of old faded scars on the tan surface. He shakes his flushed face, trying to relax slightly as he brings the cup to his lips again.

"Nice tattoos, haven't seen those yet. You've always worn long sleeves man." Jimin states, waving at one of the employees who had just arrived for noon shift. "What do they mean?"

Taehyung smiles, his mouth forming a nostalgic box of memories. "This one," he says, pointing at what appeared to be a muffin, "is a tattoo of my favourite muffin we make here."

"Which one?"

"Caramel lavender, it's very nice." Taehyung replies, moving the soft tip of his finger to the next tattoo.

"This one," Taehyung starts, his eyes looking at the art piece with a powerful stare of remembrance, "is an umbrella, it's very metaphorical."

"Why red?"

"It's the colour of passion." Taehyung giggles.

Taehyung shrugs his shoulders slightly, moving to the last small pattern. "This one is simply a circle with a gap in it, it symbolizes a constant routine and that at the end of the day there's always a way out of it."

Jimin gapes, running his fingers through his hair out of habit. "That's awesome, now go back to the counter I think I see someone coming in."

Taehyung nods quickly, rushing to the counter as he catches a glimpse of the customer.


Tan skin covered by a vintage pink and blue rain coat, a large purple sweater inside radiating lots of warmth. Red hair, slightly wetted and swooped to the side. What resembles a tote bag slung around his broad shoulder, as he walks contentedly to the front counter.

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