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"A double date, huh?"

Taehyung and Jungkook are relaxing on the balcony, the older holding a glass of red wine dapperly as if he were at a wedding ceremony.

Jungkook nods, sitting back on the swinging bench. "With Yoongi and Jimin."

"They're finally dating, huh?"

Jungkook nods again, feeling Taehyung's warm body press against his side. At this moment, most people would be bored. Bored of a relationship 'not going anywhere', and they would give up.

But here they were, their hearts beating in sync as many unanswered questions circulate the air. The adrenaline they've felt with each other since they met swirling through their veins.

"Can I take a nap? I didn't sleep too well." Taehyung asks, setting his glass of wine down on the bohemian coffee table beside the bench.

"Kiss me first."

Taehyung turns his head to face the younger, licking his lips briefly before connecting their mouths happily. He places a hand on Jungkook's cheek, sweetly kissing the boy's soft lips as they sat in silence.

"Can I sleep now?"


Taehyung lays down on the younger's lap, the warm rays of sun reflecting against his tan skin. The heat and soft pattern of winds sways the boy off to sleep.

Taehyung P.O.V.


It's a nice view up here, isn't it. A great place to end it all.

"Taehyung! Please don't!"

I snap my head around, my red hair falling across my forehead. There before me is Jungkook, breathing heavily as tears roll down his rosy cheeks.

"Give me a good reason not to." I say, feeling streams of salt water cascading down my hollowed face.

"T-Taehyung," Jungkook heaves, looking into my eyes that reflected the clear colour of my tears filling my eyes making it look as if  I were a ghost "we're connected... i can't lose you and you can't lose me."

He rushes toward me and pulls me back from the edge, encasing me in a tight hug. "Taehyung... I love you for you. Not just the idea of you. I will take every moment, every second I can, I will spare everything just to hear your voice. Don't leave me now, please. I beg of you."

He breathes heavily, and I feel his warm tears on my shoulder. He looks into my eyes, which were now void of tears. "I need you to stay... a-and you can't say no."

I feel both of our heartbeats, pumping quickly, the feeling of adrenaline coursing through our veins once again. I look into his doe eyes, sparkling with the glistening veneer of water.

In his eyes, I see the truth.

"Jungkook... why..."

His gaze focuses on me, his strong arms wrapping protectively around my torso.

"Why me?" I ask, my deep voice trembling against the air.

"Because you opened the sealed window to my heart."

"Tae are you ok?"

I open my eyes, seeing Jungkook facing me with a concerned expression gracing his gentle features.

"I had a bad dream."

"Care to tell me about it?"

"It's ok, it was just a dream."

His lips suddenly meet mine, lovingly kissing me with utmost passion. I watch him pull away, tears welling up in his big eyes.

"Silly." He mutters, sniffling back his tears. "I went to sleep too."

"What does that have to do with my dream?" I ask, giggling slightly.

"Baby..." He whispers, looking at me truthfully, "all our dreams, they're connected."

I stand up off the bench, looking at him as he stands up as well.

Our eyes meet once again.

"So you mean... those dreams... you had them too?" I ask, my dark bangs covering my eyes,

"I... think so."

"How can you make sure?"

He clears his throat, pink cheeks flushing slightly.

"The fifteen year old me who had nothing," he sings, his angelic voice ringing familiarly through my ears as a rush of adrenaline presents itself in my body. "The world was so big, and I was so small."

I gulp, opening my mouth slowly. "Now I cant even imagine it..."

He looks at me with shock, and I feel my heart beat quicken as I remember the lyrics. "The wholly empty me who had no smell of his own... I pray.."

He smiles, the feeling we both had that one night coming back again.

"Loving my brother, I have my hyungs," we sing together, the harmony of our voices blending once again in a familiar tune. "I developed feelings, I became myself."

"So I'm me, now I'm me."

We both stop as tears roll down our faces, and we capture eachother in a hug of familiarity and answered questions.

"I love you." We both say, at the same time.

~-~ (third person) ~-~

"I'm telling you! You both have this thing in commun where you can never pick out clothes that suit you!" Sageo complains, gesturing dramatically to Jimin and Yoongi's clothing choices.

"What? I think this suits me just fine." Yoongi says, looking down at his fully black outfit of a black sweatshirt and black ripped jeans.

"Bitch no." Sageo says, rubbing her temples in frustration. "You're too daddy to go to a bar in that."

"My boyfriend." Jimin reminds, earning a slap on the shoulder from Sageo.

"But seriously, you both need hot ass outfits. Aren't you going to a bar or something?"

"Strip club." Jimin corrects, slinging his arm around Yoongi's shoulder sneakily.

Sageo sighs, looking them both up and down with disgust. "Leather pants."

Yoongi's eyes grow large as Jimin just nods.

"But I'll have to change when I get there anyway." Jimin says, cocking his head to the side.

"Alright, so then Yoongi wears the leather pants." Sageo says, walking to Jimin's closet casually.

"Wait Jimin why do you change when you get there?" Yoongi asks, curiosity taking over his system momentarily.

"I work there."


Jimin smirks, slut dropping for effect. "Tonight I'm putting on a private show for you, featuring Jungkook."

Yoongi's jaw drops as Jimin sassily flips his imaginary long hair. "But isn't Jungkook too innocent for that?"

"He's done pole dancing before as an art form so I think he'll enjoy the art of stripping." Jimin explains, lifting his hand to Yoongi's chin to close it manually. "Plus we're eating dinner first before going."

"I'm not so sure about this."

"What, you don't wanna see my show?"

"On second thought, sounds like a great idea."

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