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Taehyung scrolls through his phone while humming a song that was stuck in his head. He scrolls through his following feed and new users, nothing in particular pulling his interest.

"Taehyung, you need to go outside right now! Get some fresh air! You'll thank me for what you see." Jin says.

"But dad!" Taehyung complains. "I'll have to get my mask and sunglasses and everything!"

"Tae, a few minutes won't hurt. You're not allergic to the sun dear." Jin says trying to convince his son.

"But what if there are people out there! They could see my face! I don't even take pictures of myself without hiding my face!" Taehyung bickers, scraping the berry syrup off of his deserted plate.

"Darling, there's nothing wrong with your face! Just go outside! You can even grab you "protective gear" while you're at it!" Jin insists heavily.

Taehyung just sighs and sets down his fork before going to grab his mask and sunglasses. You see, ever since Taehyung was bullied about his appearance in second grade he has hidden himself from everyone except his parents. People's opinions on his appearance really affect him, so if he hides himself, he thinks that he's better off that way since there's nothing to talk about. Even in school library photos, he hides his face. The only way you could see his face is if you looked at old pictures or his passport.

Taehyung grabs his mask and sunglasses quickly before putting them on and heading to his parent's balcony since they didn't have a backyard. When he steps outside he takes a hold of the freezing white railing and quickly pulls his hands away due to the icy cold.

Taehyung hates being cold.

He looks out past him and admires the sunset, although his vision is blocked quite a lot by the big sunglasses propped on his nose.

He figures no one can see him, so he removes the sunglasses and decides to take off his mask and hood while he's at it. The dark haired boy shivers as the cold wind passes through his gently curled locks, making his ears slightly red from the crisp air.

The warmness of the sun however, heats up his dark sweatshirt which helps with the cold feeling brushing against him. He doesn't like to look at things without his sunglasses because his eyes change colour according to what he's looking at, only when he's outside however. It freaks people out so he's insecure about it. Let's say for example, if he looks at someone with brown eyes while he's outside, his eyes become that shade of brown. If he looks at a sunrise while he's outside, his eyes are the colour of the sunrise.

Jin and Namjoon always tell him it's 'magical' and 'beautifully unique', but he feels bad about it anyway.

As he stands on the balcony alone however, he just admires the sunrise and hums a familiar tune. Taehyung wants to sing but is afraid of people hearing him, so he doesn't.

He listens to the city cars pass by, buzzing ever so slightly. Suddenly, he feels a drop of water drip onto his shoulder. Followed by another. And another. Until rain is falling lightly.

Taehyung doesn't like the rain.

He sighs as he goes back inside, his eyes shifting back from orange-pink to brown. He runs his hand through his soft, curly hair that thankfully was only touched by a few drops of rain.

As Taehyung walks back to his bedroom, he gets another weird rush of adrenaline. This time, it isn't as strong, but it makes him want to look in the mirror. Taehyung tries to resist the urge to look at himself, since he hasn't done so since 5th grade when he accidentally forgot his mask.

But the urge is too strong, and it pushes him into his washroom where he is met face to face with himself. No mask. Exposed. His worst nightmare.

However, when he looks at himself he sees something different. Something changed. He examines himself carefully and he just can't pinpoint what it is. Then he realizes.

It's the look in his eyes.

It reminds him of someone.

The way his eyes look at things, it's weird to notice but for some reason when he looks into his own eyes he sees what other people would see if they looked at his eyes.

Peacefulness, sincerity.

But most importantly, truth.

However, he wasn't admiring himself. He was examining himself. As if he was an alien, an unknown being. That just made him want to hide his face more.


Jungkook feels the rain fall on his shoulders, soaking him. He doesn't mind. The umbrella is supposed to shield the rain. But there's no one to shield the rain from.

The sun rises, and is slowly clouded over by the overcast sky. Jungkook loves the beauty of it all, but decides to step back inside before he ruins his pjs.

When he steps inside he sees his mother at the front door speaking with someone. Jungkook walks towards the door only to see a stranger talking with his mother, clipboard in hand.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asks as he walks towards his mother and the unknown man in the suit.

"This is just neighbourhood security dear, they just finished checking our systems. It's nothing to worry about." His mother says.

Jungkook however, senses that something is off about the situation. He sees something in his mother's eyes that makes it seem like she's lying.

"You're lying." Jungkook blurts out.

His mother sighs and nods. "Yes son. I meant to tell you, but this man is here to keep the order in the neighbourhood. You see, it's a high end place and they have specific rules for the people who live here and there lifestyles."

"That's interesting but ok. We're not doing anything wrong are we?" Jungkook asks.
"Of course not dear!" His mother says with truth in her eyes.

Jungkook is about to say something, but he feels a rush of adrenaline surge through his body, causing him to leave the living room and head up stairs.

When he gets to his room, he notices that his phone is ringing, he picks it up and hears a familiar voice from the other side.


Cliffhanger 😉

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