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The sound of the loud bustle of students in the hallways fills Jungkook and Jimin's ears, as they make their way to the gymnasium for the 'new student' presentation. The school has white hospital-like floors and as they pass through the main lobby and make their way to the gym they notice all the different group stereotypes.

Of course, Jungkook not knowing anything about stereotypes, he just assumes that everyone is going to be alright.

Jimin however, quickly realizes all the different types of people and shields the innocent Jungkook from them. Lots of people look at them as they pass by, Jungkook of course just smiles lightly and let's Jimin pull him to the gym.

The shorter boy lets out a deep sigh of relief as they reach the navy blue gymnasium doors, his small hand pushing it open to reveal a gigantic room, filled to the brim with new students that are mingling and searching on the light gray walls for the paper that states their name and homeroom. Jimin pulls the younger into the room and looks around, before ducking into a corner away from the crazy people.

"Hyung, let's look for our home rooms." Jungkook says, gripping the sides of Jimin's small arms. The older boy pouts and nods, before turning around and freezing in place.

"What is it hyung?" Jungkook asks, trying to see what or who Jimin is looking at.

"N-Nothing, let's go look!" Jimin says, pulling the younger boy with him. Before they're completely engulfed by the crowd, Jungkook catches a glimpse of the person Jimin was looking at. Not able to distinguish if it was a girl or not, the only thing he sees is the top of a black beanie.


Pulling up into the parking lot of the school, Taehyung raises his large hood over his head which shields his face enough for people to not see his features. Jin shakes his head at the boy as he turns the car into a parking spot close to the front doors of the school.

"Taehyung, you look great. Now, you will have to make your way to the gym and look for your homeroom. If you have any troubles, text me alright?" Jin says before petting the top of his son's hood.

Taehyung nods and opens his door, saying a quick 'bye dad' before making his way into the building while still shielding his face from view.

The boy runs quickly through the doors of the school, finding the nearest bathroom, and quickly checks to see if anyone was in it which thankfully no one was. He pulls down his hood, throwing his brown backpack onto the counter and unzipping the metal zipper before reaching in through his books to find his mask. Eventually he finds it along with his sunglasses.

Taehyung looks in the mirror one last time. His eyes shifting across his face. 'Just for now' he tells himself, pulling the black mask over his glossy lips and pulling the bands over and behind his ears which carry silver loop earrings. He then takes the dark sunglasses, sliding them on his face before they prop on his nose. The boy nods at himself, before zipping back up his backpack and swinging it over his one shoulder and making his way to the gymnasium.

The boy ignores the eyes that linger on him, his right hand shoved into the pocket of his green jacket while the other holds the strap of his backpack. People whisper as he scurries through the hallway towards the doors of the gym, and is relieved once he pushes them open, entering the large room.

-Meanwhile, the Jikook brothers-

Jimin scans through the grade 10 lists as Jungkook stands beside him, blindly looking at the small printed words in boxes on the papers.

"Alright, you're in room 169 with Mr.Wang, I'm in room 149 with Mrs.Kiuso. We get to choose lockers so make sure to get one as close as possible to mine." Jimin explains.

Jungkook nods, before scanning through the names and examining each one with the last name 'Kim'. He shakes his head and decides he's just being stupid for looking for an imaginary boy from his dream.

"Alright new students!" Says a voice from the speakers, causing the gym to go silent and look towards the presenter.

"Welcome to Seoul Highschool, today as you all know you will be joining us in the next school years!" The presenter says, a little too enthusiastically.

Jungkook listens intently to the presentation, catching each detail of the explanation so that he wouldn't get lost.

Meanwhile, Taehyung makes his way through the back of the crowd towards the homeroom detail papers.

The hidden boy makes his way to the sheets of paper, ignoring the people around him. He scans through the multiple names printed carefully and boxed off in black ink. He passes through all the names using his finger and stops once he finds his name. He mutters to himself.

"Room 169... Mr.Wang huh?"

The boy nods before turning around and glancing around the room, not expecting to see anyone he recognized. His eyes shift up to the presenter and he watches him through his sunglasses while listening intently to the explanation along with the rest of the crowd of new students.

(Meanwhile,,) Jungkook shifts his weight to his left foot, listening to the presentation which quickly comes to an end with a brief 'have a nice day, good luck students' and then the gym is filled with mindless chatter and people rushing out of the humid room.

Jimin taps Jungkook's arm and asks the younger boy if they can leave, in which Jungkook nods, grabbing the boy's wrist and leading him through the crowd.

Taehyung also moves through the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone which he almost succeeds at. The crowd is almost suffocating, the boy had to lower his mask below his nose so that he could even breath.

Just as he's about to leave, he bumps into someone who stumbles backwards. Taehyung quickly looks over and feels a rush of adrenaline, catching the boy which was about to fall. Lifting the boy up, he looks at him.

"So sorry about that!" Jungkook says to the hidden boy who just freezes in place. "Are you alright?"

Taehyung breaks out of his trance. "Yes of course, sorry for that!" He says.

Suddenly, the younger boy's eyes widen at the older's voice. Jungkook shakes off the thought of it being him and nods before turning away and catching up with Jimin. 'Don't say anything, he'll think you're weird if you say something about seeing him before. It's probably just someone else, with a similar voice.' Jungkook tells himself, as he leaves the gym.

Taehyung watches as the boy passes by him, the familiar scent of caramel following him. 'It has to be him, there's no way there could be anyone identical to him like that!' Taehyung tells himself, before deciding to not mention it directly since that would be weird.

I want to meet him again in my dreams


I love this story

Also some important info: Jungkook smells like caramel and Taehyung smells like lavender.

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