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n. i was gonna save this gif for another
chapter, but it's just too hot to not share.

[ chapter five ]

AFTER Ben's banishment, it was a pretty big loss for the group

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AFTER Ben's banishment, it was a pretty big loss for the group. The rest of the night was quiet as no one really knew exactly what to say.

"Hey," Alby says as he walks up to Rae that night. "Wanna do me a favor?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"I think that Thomas is still shaken up about Ben and I don't wanna leave him alone tomorrow—"

"So you want me to go out with Minho to find Ben?" She asks, a smirk on her face.

"Exactly. Will you do it?"

"Yeah, sure. As long as I'm promised a day off." She smiles.

"Oh yeah, for sure." He says sarcastically.

"Ha! You think I'm joking."

Alby just shakes his head and laughs. "I'll see you in the morning, Rae."


When Rae woke up at the next morning, at exactly 6am, to say she wasn't excited to go into the Maze would be accurate. Of course, she wanted to go out of her comfort zone, but she didn't think the Maze was supposed to be apart of that transition.

But she did it anyway, trusting Zart with the plants and Newt to watch over Zart.

So there she stood with Minho. At the opening of the Maze.

"You tell Zart he better not shuck any of my plants up." She tells Newt sternly.

"I won't. The garden will be fine." He says, dramatically rolling his eyes.

"I'm serious, Newt!" She whispered-yelled, knowing the Wake Up wasn't for at least thirty more minutes.

"Yes, yes, go on now. And be safe, please. Because you are a clumsy shank." Newt tells her and she nods, the two friends embracing one another before Minho and her run off into the Maze.

They made a right turn, then a left, and another left. Rae's feet were already killing her and she felt as if she was possibly dying, which is why she stuck to the gardens.

"Alright," Minho huffed. "Ben might've not been sane, but he knows his way around the Maze. I mean, I did train him after all." Minho smirks and Rae just rolls her eyes.

Minho and Rae end up finding traces of shoe imprints on the dirt. Rae figured it was their best shot at finding him, so they followed the trail.

They most certainly did not find what they were looking for.

"Is that...?"

"Yeah," Minho gulped. "That's a dead griever."

"Should we bring it back..?"

"What do you think Alby would do if we didn't?"

"Put us in the Slammer."

"He won't do klunk and you know it," Minho scoffed.
"Although, I am curious. Shuck it, grab one of his slimy legs."

Just as Rae grabbed one of the metal pieces, a sharp pain in her stomach erupted.

"Thomas.." She mumbled before falling over onto the hard, cement ground.


the next couple of chapters will be different as they are dreams and visions of Rae's past.

if u hadn't noticed, she got stung.

happy reading :)

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