UNSC Winters Last Snow

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Today Spartan Y/N has been wounded while fighting two zealot elites. He is currently recovering and should not be sent into combat no matter how much he disagrees. This was log 453-

Y/N: Autumn! Where the hell is that bomb located?!

The screams in the distance blocked out everything Y/N said. The only noises heard was yelling and plasma, bullets, and the banshees whizzing by dropping their green fuel rod bombs.

Autumn: To your right Y/N. If you want it too be easy I recommend you take your helmet off.

Y/N: Negative Autumn! My brain will be splattered in the dirt!

Y/N reached out and grabbed the bomb he'd been starving to set off so he could jump into the pelican floating gently above the ground behind him being barraged by the onslaught of covenant. Autumn, Y/N's AI began running comm checks so the Spartan II could contact the captain of the UNSC frigate that lay above him looming over everything.

Y/N: Alright I've got the bomb! Autumn-

Autumn: Already set up.

Y/N: Great! Could you-

He was interrupted by the plasma grenade that was thrown in front of the Spartans face. He stared at it for a second before diving out of cover and using one hand to pull out his magnum to kill the grunts coming towards him.

Y/N: Autumn patch me through to the captain!

Autumn: Patching through...

A loud beep occurred and suddenly Captain Smith began speaking to the Spartan.

Smith: What's your status soldier?

Y/N: Not great. My only cover was blown to pieces and now I'm letting plasma absorb into my shields. I've got to activate the bomb but to do so I need both hands.

Y/N was getting shot by so many covenant forces that he began to run towards the pelican. Plasma rang through the air and enough hit him so that his shields depleted to zero making an awful beeping noise in his suit. Y/N jumped in the pelican and was typing in the code on the havoc nuke he held.

Smith: Son stop arming the bomb! Get back to the ship.

Y/N: Sir yes sir!

Y/N ran up to the pilots seat as marines covered his back by lining themselves up with the door and getting into a firing line.

Y/N: Alright sir on my way to the frigate!

The pelican door shut and the marines in the pelican sat down in suspense. Y/N straps into the pilot seat and points the pelican directly towards the frigates hanger. Suddenly the clouds around the ship passed and a covenant flag ship began its approach towards the large human vessel.

Y/N: Captain! Covie flag ship approaching quickly!

There was a loud beep and then static.

Smith: Acknowledged! Spartan get on the damn ship as quick as possible.

Y/N: Yes sir! Hey Autumn, give me full control over the Pelican.

Autumn: Done. I know what you are attempting, the odds are near to impossible Y/N.

Y/N: It can't hurt to try! can it?

Autumn: Very much.

Y/N: Acknowledged.

Y/N began slamming his fingers down on buttons and switches, the clicks almost could be a melody. For a brief pause there was silence, even the covenant stopped shooting the pelican. And with a split second the pelican sprang into life as the thrusters roared and sent the pelican speeding towards the frigate, and the flag ship got closer.

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