Singing contest pt 2

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I hate this song that's above so I'm sorry that you have to play the whole thing if you like it then good for you if you don't the I feel your pain.
Things to remember

Y/n P.O.V
They were fighting over a FUCKING POP TART (lol me and my cousins every day when they come over). As they were fighting I sneaked past them and grabbed the pop tart. I slip it into three equal piece. "HEY"! I shouted. They turned around and saw me holding three plates. "Here I split the pop tart into three equal pieces so stop being damm babies and eat". I said. I walked back upstairs and changed leaving the boys down stairs speechless. I changed into a black crop top. And some ripped jeans. I grabbed my backpack and put the costumes inside and my things that I need to make my costume. I walked down stairs quietly hoping that no one would notice but my brothers saw me and when they did I woofed it. I ran all the way to Genes house. When I got there I tripped on the ground and made a huge thud. The door open I was on the floor now sitting up panting. "You ok Y/n"? Asked Gene. "Ya *pant* my........*pant*.......brothers.....*pant* almost got........*pant* me *pant*". I said while panting. "Well then come inside Sasha and zenix are inside already. I got up and went inside. I fell onto Genes couch. "Thank god I need a break ". I said. "Jeez Y/n did you run a mile or something"? Asked zenix. "No just running away from my brothers". I said. "Anyway I have Genes, Zenix and Sasha's costumes finished. First costume that came out was Sasha's then Genes then zenixs. "Here". I said. "Nice job on the costumes Y/n". Said zenix.  "Thanks and you better be careful with your costume it took me 1 hour to make". I said. "Ok". Said zenix. "Sasha here yours". I said. "Thanks". She said. Now I can finish my costume
30 minuets later
"DONE"! I shout.

(Outfit weird exoskeleton and contact Lens boots wires and bow

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(Outfit weird exoskeleton and contact Lens boots wires and bow.)

"FINALLY"! I yelled again. I looked at my phone it was 9:00 I have 50 missed calls and 100 messages. Brothers. "Hey Y/n wanna go to the park"? Asked Gene . "Sure". I said. "ZENIX SASHA COME ON WERE LEAVING"! yelled Gene. "I got this". I said . I grabbed my phone out and search up a song that almost every one hates. "Ok do you have speakers"? I asked. "Ya". Said Gene. He went to his garage and came back with a speaker. I connected my phone to the speaker and the song began.
(Play song now)
Wait a little scroll 

slowly please

Now go keep song going

"UHHHHHH Y/N TURN OFF THE FUCKING AWFUL SHIT NOW"! they both said. "COME DONE NOW OR ELSE IT STAYS"! I yelled back. "NO"! they yelled back. "ARE YOU GUYS MAKING OUT OR SOMETHING"! I yelled . "EWW NO WERE MAKE A SHIPPING THING ABOUT YOU AND GE-". they stopped talking. I looked over at Gene who was blushing bright red. "OH EXCUSE ME IM COMING UP THERE WITH THE MUSIC"! I yelled. I did and Gene was still blushing but following me. I went into the room that they were in and I saw them holding something behind there backs. "Give me what ever is behind your back now". I said. "No"! They both said. I turned up the volume of the song. "AHH OK OK HERE HERE".! Yelled Sasha. I grabbed it and it was a picture of me and Gene when we were playing truth or dare. "I hate you guys so much". I growled. "What you guys look cute together". Said Sasha. I walked off . "HURY UP NOW,YOU HAD YOUR FUN NOW COME ON"! I yelled. I was pissed. They came down. "Sorry y/n". They both said. "It's fine but please don't do it again". I said. We left and made it to the park. "Ok Sasha zenix grabbed a spray can". Said Gene. They nodded I knew what they were doing they were going to spray paint the walls. "Can I have a go"? I asked. "Huh! Your not going to tell on use for spray painting the walls". Said Gene. "No I don't see the point plus I've done it". I said. They all looked at me shocked then they handed me a black spray can .  "I know where to go with this one". I said.
10 minuets later

 10 minuets later

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"There". I said. "Wow Y/n you have a amazing skill". Said Gene. "Thanks". I said. "Why did you stop spray panting "? Asked Zenix. "Oh I always spray painted but until I was adopted by my brothers I had to stop because they would tell the police". I said. "Wow jerks they should see the true beauty in this art". Said Sasha. "Thanks but they wouldn't". I said. "When I was first in their house I saw so many places to spray paint but they grabbed me an told me not to". I said.
"Well it's beautiful". Said Gene and Zenix at the same time. "Oh great Y/n sit down with me and watch the show. They do,this every time over you". Said Sasha . I blushed. "No no no I was said that not you". Said Gene. "No I was your the copycat". Said zenix. "Dude I'm the fucking leader of the Shadow Knights". Said Gene. It wasn't long before they were throwing punches at each other. I got up and went to get water in my mouth I walked back with my mouth full of water then spat in both of them. They stopped. "This has been going on for 3 hours I got to go home". I said. "Sorry". They both said. I left without comment.

(Gene , Zenix x reader) LoveWhere stories live. Discover now