Hospital again..

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Things to remember
L /n

Y/n P.O.V
As Sasha, Gene and Zenix were helping me walk home. I felt weak very very weak. We made it to m house. "One of you guys knock on the door my brothers should be home". I said. Sasha went to knock on the door while Gene and Zenix were helping me stand. "Y /N"! yelled my brothers. "Please help her she can barely walk". Said Gene. "We have to go to the werewolf hospital". Said Zane. "W-WHAT N-NO IM FINE"! I yelled. "Y/n we have to look at yourself your bleeding you have bruises all over you and your eyes are still red". Said Garroth. "Fine". I said.
Once you arrive at the hospital
Garroth P.O.V
We had it to the hospital doors when we were about to go in Y/n didn't move. Her eyes were now black pure black. My eyes widened along with Zane and Vlyad. "HELP HELP OPEN UP OUR SISTER IS DIEING OPEN UP"! I yelled. The werewolf lady came and opened the doors she looked at Y/n and she was in shock. "OK YOU GRAB A WHEEL CHAIR"! she yelled. Gene went to get a wheel chair. Once Y/n was on it they rushed her inside. The nurse went on the microphone. "ATTENTION ALL DOCTORS PLEASE GO TO ROOM 122 WE HAVE A DIEING WEREWOLF GOD"! We all ran to the room but were stop by the nurse. "I'm sorry but you can't go in you'll all have to wait". She said. Then Y/n was whimpering. (You still have pure black eyes).
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Vlyad P.O.V
"SHES DIEING TAKE HER NOW"! I yelled. They took Y/n away we were all crying. "G-Garroth w-will she be o-ok"? Asked Zane . There were tears streaming down his eye. (Yep I have to put that). "I-I don't know". Said Garroth. We all had to go due to what the doctors were saying. "This can't happen again". I said. "What do you mean again". Said Sasha. "Should I tell them". I said to Garroth. "Yes they should know now". He said.
Flashback while telling the story
Vlyad P.O.V
"Hey guys I want you guys to meet someone". Said Y/n. "Guys this is Ein, he's my friend". She said. "Hey". Said Ein. "Sup". We all said. We all hung out did our own thing talked.
3 months later

"Hey guys want to play a game"? Asked Ein. "Uh sure". Said Garroth. "Ok let's play........KILL THE HUMANS"! he yelled. Are eyes widened. "Let's start with one eye". Said Ein. He turned to Zane, grabbed him by the neck me and Garroth were trying our best to get him of Zane but it was useless. Then a blur came and pushed Ein away from Zane. "GET AWAY". Yelled Y/n in her demon voice. Her eyes were red. "Heh look who came out of hiding". Said Ein while standing up. He slapped her. Her eyes watered . "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU FOR EVERYTHING I HAVE I WAS GOING TO FORGIVE YOU FOR OFFENDING MY EARS AND TAIL BUT, SOMEONE AS WORTHLESS AND PATHETIC AS YOU COULDN'T STOP, AND TO THINK THAT I HAD A FUCKING CRUSH ON YOU, YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO THE EIN I LOVED"! she yelled. She was crying once again she never cry's. "LEAVE YOU STUPID DOG LEAVE GET OUT OF MY FUCKING SITE, IF YOU EVER COME BACK YOU'LL KNOW WHAT SUFFERING IS YOU MOTHER FUCKER GET OUT"! she yelled. Ein stood there smirking. Then Y/n punched him . "I SAID LEAVE YOU BLANK FUCK"! She yelled. Then Ein looked at her right in the eyes and said. "You shouldn't treat your alpha like that". She twitched. Garroth went to go get the phone to call 911 . When the police arrived they took Ein away. But Y/n had black eyes the police took her to the hospital and she was fine again we just had to make sure that never happens again or else she could die.
End of flashback story

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