Chapter 9:Don't forget,I'm That Loser Freak

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Chapter 9:Don't Forget,I'm That Loser Freak

             Once we arrived to school and in a limo which was awesome. I really didn't want everyone staring at me. Jennifer and her clique are rich, but no one bring's a limo to school.

       Once we stepped out no one was really that shocked to see Haydie step out of the limo since she's beautiful and rich,But for me...

Everyone pointed finger's and giggled as I got out the limo. I had a feel this would happen.

"Oh look Loser Freak grew some class and came in a limo today. "Jennifer joked which everyone once again heard and started to laugh.

I Just stood there and wanted to hide my face from shame.I could hear the heavy laughter from everyone as I stood there looking like a Idiot.

"Don't listen to her"Haydie whispered to me.It wasn't working though how could I not listen to her and all the people that loved to laugh and point. Not everyone alway's laughed just the cruel and bitchy self obsessed teen's. Which was 90% of my school.The other 10% just stood there and did nothing . Haydie was the only person who ever stood up for me and that's how it's alway's going to be.

*In 3rd period*

                I didn't have 3rd period with Haydie just 2nd and 6th. So just like any other day I sat by myself at my desk while everyone talked about boy's,party's,and other teenage topic's. I was once again the outsider,the loser,the outcast . While they had perfect life's mine was a nightmare. I have a alcoholic abusive father and only 1 friend. I was only friend's with Haydie for 4 day's but it feel's so weird how were just so close so fast.

I wish it was that easy with Edwin.Earlier in 2nd period I tried to ask Edwin for my pen I let him borrow the day before and he just walked away and ignored me like I was invisible.

He doesn't want to be seen talking with the Loser Freak.

"That's not true"I muttered to myself trying to ignore my negative thought's.

Edwin's not like that he's different

"Guy's the game's today,Edwin's going to win it for us then we are one step closer to the big game." I heard some guy's from the football team say from across my desk.The guy that was talking was one of Edwin's friend's named Ricky. Ricky has to be the number douche bag on earth I hate him so much.

                      He's been picking on me since we were in 6th grade he hate's me because I was friend's with a girl he liked and since she noticed he bullied me all the time she didn't want to go out with him. So now he makes my life a living hell. I wish he would burn in hell but since that's not happening anytime soon I guess I just have to avoid him the best I can.

"Hey did you hear Edwin's sister hanging out with Loser freak." Kevin another one of the jock's who was also Edwin's friend's said.

"What is she thinking,Haydie's hot and well Loser freak's look's like a hobo threw up on her"Ricky said then the jock's turned to look at me laughing.

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