Chapter 4:A Warm welcoming

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Chapter 4:A Warm welcoming

              When I arrived at Rose Mary park. I waited for Haydie to come.I then saw  Edwin and Haydie step out of the car.I put my hood over my head not wanting Edwin or Haydie to see my face which was covered in dry blood but it had fallen down as I was walking up closer to them.

"Oh my god amber.are you okay. " She ran up to me with a big warm welcoming hug.I saw the look on her face when she saw my face with blood all over it. I had a small black eye which was even worse and had bruise mark's on my neck from my father choking me.

"Haydie I can't go home I just can't. "I cried out on her shoulder

  When  Edwin walked up to us he saw my face.I was so embarrassed.He looked in shock.

"Shh,calm down everything will be fine...who did this to you? "Haydie asked me

"My father did this,I shouldn't have went home god I'm so stupid,Haydie I have nowhere else to go I need you right now..... your my only friend"I cried out on her shoulder some more

I notice that a tear went stream down her face.  Edwin still stood there in shock looking at my bloody face not knowing what to say.

"You can stay with me at my place okay,I'm sure my mom won't mine."Haydie replied to me

"Why'd he do it?"Edwin finally spoke out

"I don't want to talk about it" I told Edwin

Once I was done crying they led me to the car. 

  *Inside the car*

"Amber You look horrible,What kind of parent does this to there daughter. " She said

"Has he done it before?" Edwin asked me

Finally I said something just to let him not feel left out.I mean he did drive here which may have been far from his house.

"Yea  pretty much I guess. " I said

"And you let him?" Edwin asked

"Edwin  just shut up,what else can she do she didn't even meet me until 2 day's ago.She has no one else to tell. So please just shut up"Haydie said in a angry tone voice.

"I didn't mean it in a rude way. I was just saying you just let him hit you over and over again while you just stay there you don't do nothing about it" Edwin said

" Edwin your not making it any better just,Shut up."Haydie hissed

" He's right I'm stupid ,but I don't have anyone else to tell. Which is why this is my first time. " I said

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