"The situation is dire" Lyons confessed.
He was sitting around a table at The museum of Technology. With him was Jen, the head architect, Annabelle from the Followers, and the Lone Wanderer.
" Yes indeed, i have enough stimpaks and med-x for two-three months and after that we are empty and can do nothing." Annabelle proved a point. She had drastically increased the living standards around the mall. Where infections previous was almost a death sentence it was now highly treatable. And Jen had also really proved herself to the task. Thanks to access to buildings material the renovation went faster and faster. About 35% of the population had a roof that was not a tent too sleep under. With the renovation of the next too buildings this would increase to over half of the population. Some of the more "ambitious" inhabitants had come over and proposed to build a tavern or some sort a hotel since the frequency of traders also increased. Jen had rebuffed this after discussion with Lyons.
" And the materials are starting to run out also. Even though Point Lookout provides us with some trees now and then, and we can use the rubble to create sement, are things like glass and other materials hard to find. And we have come to a halt with laying more pipelines to the new apartments." Jen had some notes she was looking at.
"Jefferson Memorial and the reactor under the Citadel provides more than enough power, but we dont have the material to connect new buildings to the power grid. Of course i can try to scavenge from the gigantic mast but i doubt i can find any volunteers that would climb up there."
Lyons stood up and put his arms at the table.
" I have sent my scouts all around the the region looking for some places that we can start producing again. While there are no chance that we can again produce advanced things, I believe that things like stimpaks and med-x are a possibility, and i also believe that it should have first priority. And thats were you come into the picture."
Lyons looked at TLW.
"You have been to the RoboCo Facility, havent you?" Lyons asked.
Yes, he had been there, about 2 years ago, not long after he escaped from the vault. It was full of defect robots that tried to kill him. He was there only because that lunatic in Megaton tried to write about the dangers of wasteland, but did not want to do the research himself. So for lots of caps he actually went to do some crazy shit. From being radioactive, to blowing himself up just so the effect of stimpak could be measured. The book was eventually published, how he did not know, and was soon in circulation all over the area. It did in all fairness save some lives. He then remembered that he still had a house in Megaton. He had not been there for at least a year now. Simms promised too watch the house for him, but still. He had to visit Megaton again soon. Maybe on his way back from the RoboCo facility.
" There are many problems. Our forces would be spread thin if we were to protect the road from here to the factory. And of course we need to protect the factory itself. Not to mention all the workers that need to be traveling between the points." TLW said.
"Yes, all valid points, when it comes to the transportation i guess we can use one of the Vertibirds for transport, atleast for the beginning. The second thing is that Tennpenny Tower is in the middle of the road. I believe that they have been neutral too both the Mall and the slavers in the north." Lyons had a point. If Tennpenny Tower could be a fortress where soldiers could be stationed it would be the same as taking control of the area all the way up to Megaton.
Rebuild Capital Wasteland.
Mystery / ThrillerThe adventures of TLW Jen and Abraham inside the capital wasteland fighting to help those who survived the blast in the vaults and rebuilding that of the world that was destroyed.