Chapter 3 Part one

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"Alright that's enough for the day," Coach Richardson called out. "See you all tomorrow."

Luca starts making his way back to the locker room. Fully realizing that the blonde from earlier, who he learned was Jessica, unfortunately did not lie about the team being awful. He tried to push that thought from his head and jogged to catch up to Jackson who, according to Luca, was the only other person on the team who wasn't useless.

"How many games have we won so far this season?" Luca asks

"None." Jackson laughs "It's not for lack of trying, we just suck."

"We're just going to have to change that."

Luca hit the showers and was just grabbing his jersey from the ground when Jackson came up to him.

"Wanna grab a bite before I take you home?"

Jackson looked down at his watch, 6:20. He was hungry, but knew that David and Gray would probably be waiting for him with food.

"Nah, I should really just get back." Saying home still didn't feel right.

"No problem, where do you live?"

"Do you know where the old boarding house is?"

"On the edge of town? Yeah everyone knows where it is" Jackson smiled at Luca. "Come on, theres a burger joint on the way, I'm buying."

Luca found himself nodding and following Jackson out to his truck. One burger wouldn't hurt, besides if Gray had her way tonight they would probably be eating tofu again.

Jackson seemed like an alright guy. Luca found himself smiling easily at what Jackson was saying. Talking about the places in town to avoid unless you want to start a fight. Where the best pizza can be found.

"What about a girl named Jessica, she's blonde has brown eyes..."

"And legs for day?" Jackson added. Luca nodded. "She's hot but somethings not quite right in the head if you know what I mean."

Luca frowned, "I don't?"

Jackson looked over at Luca, and sighed "Her dad use to be a cop, he was arrested about 7 months ago for killing her mom and trying to kill her. Something kinda snapped in her, you know? She just wasn't the same after that, I mean who would be?" 

Luca stopped chewing his burger, "Shit."

"Yeah," Jackson continued eating his burger as he drove, "They never found the mothers body, but she managed to call 911 before she died. The cops arrived just as Jessica ran out of the house, covered in blood. They found her dad in the woods behind, well behind your place actually."

Luca looked down at his burger, suddenly not feeling like finishing it.

"Well, here we are." Jackson pulled into their long driveway, stopping in front of the old boarding house.

Luca turned and starting saying thank you when they heard the scream.

Luca has never heard Gray scream like that before, she's usually very quite. He was out of the truck and running toward the sound with Jackson right behind him. The scream had stopped but Lucas blood was cold as it pounded through his veins. 

"GRAY" He shouted as him and Jackson rounded the corner, searching for Gray.

Jackson saw her first, "Luca, there." 

Luca followed his gaze and saw Gray, she was hunched over by some bushes with her hands covering her eyes. He was at his sisters side in seconds.

"Gray?" No response. She was muttering something but he couldn't quite make it out. "Gray what happened?" Luca put his arm around Grays shoulders, as soon as he made contact Gray started to attack him. "Gray is me, calm down, GRAY!" 

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