Chapter 4

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Luca seemed to be driving aggravatingly slow, Gray looked at her brother, "You know, I won't pass out if you drive the speed limit."

"I am driving the speed limit." Luca exclaimed as he very slowly started accelerating, realizing he was indeed going quite slow.

Gray was in a hurry to get home, she wanted to be alone. What happened on the bleachers freaked her out, she remembered something. Something about that night, something about him.

It happened quickly, Gray wasn't even completely sure what she saw. Last night all she could remember was his eyes, now however she could remember what happened after, if only briefly. She could remember the way he moved.

He was fast, unnaturally fast, but he moved like he was broken. Gray looked out the window at the passing houses, trying to force herself to appear calm. Luca looked like he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Luca ease the car into the driveway, trying to avoid the pothole as he made his way up the driveway. Davids car was in the driveway which was a good sign, there would be food ready,

Ignoring the rumbling in his belly, Luca parked the car and ran around to help his sister out.

"Jesus, I'm fine." Gray laughed, "Honestly maybe I should faint more often, this is 5 star service I'm getting." Luca, ignoring that Gray was poking fun at him insisted on carrying in her bags. Once they were inside they made they way to the kitchen, following their noses to the delicious smells wafting out.

"How was practice?" David asked from over the stove, focusing on whisking whatever delicious concoction he's was making for dinner.

"Gray fainted."


"What happened," David stopped cook and turned as if to make his way towards them.

"I didn't faint," Gray pinched Luca's arm. "I just-"

"Decided to take an impromptu nap in front of the bleachers?" Luca asked pointedly

Gray was caught between the concerned look on Davids face, and the worried look on Luca's. "I got my period at lunch, I didn't get a chance to finish eating because I went out looking for a tampon alright? Obviously fainting from that is completely normal. Happy?"

Gray could have laughed at the mix of shocked and embarrassed looks on Luca and Davids face but she could feel another episode coming on.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have homework to do." With that Gray turned on her heals and started making her way to the stairs.

Just make it to the stairs, make it to the stairs and sit down. Please don't faint now. Gray thankfully made it to the stairs before her vision completely gave way to another memory. Only this one wasn't from the other night.

Gray looked around at her old bedroom, her breathing growing shallow. How was she here? Her old bedroom was across the country, a 5 hour flight away, its not possible to be here. Her parents voices forced her attention towards her old bedroom door. They were talking about leaving, a trip maybe? Gray couldn't quite make out what they were saying. 

Her feet found the floor and she started making her way toward the door. Her parents were just on the other side, she could see them again, if only she could reach the door. The door seems to get further away the closer she got. She started running only to stop when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

The smell hit her first, the same smell from the other night Gray realized. How could she have forgotten that smell? Burnt hair, mixed with rotten flesh. Its what Gray imagine death to smell like. She could see him out of the corner of her eye, standing in the corner behind her, Gray slowly turned her head towards him. His white eyes were waiting to meet hers. When they locked eyes, he let out a screech so inhuman it shook every bone in her body. Her hands shot up to cover her ears as a cry escaped her lips and she shrank to her knees.

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