Chapter 11 Part two

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Jackson, upon hearing that Luca has an affinity with all elements finds himself smiling despite the pounding headache.

It hadn't been the most comfortable ride back home, and it had nothing to do with being punched in the face, though that didn't help.

Jackson knew she would be upset when she woke up from the trance he put her in but he underestimated just how upset she would be. She had punched him so hard that his head had hit the driver side window, causing it to crack and spiderweb. He had just replaced it too.

Then he had to deal with her screaming profanities at him as she tried to gouge his eyes out. Not literally but he did have a few scratch marks from her nails slashing into his skin.

He knew it would probably be a while before she could tolerate him again, not that they had much patience for each other before.

Jackson snapped to attention at the mention on his name.

"No," Anais said in response to Luca. "You won't be training with Jackson. Gray's abilities have to do with combat so it made sense for her to learn to fight. You're different."

"I should still know how to fight!" Luca exclaimed, "What am I supposed to do when we face the Shadow, just watch?"

"You're the heir," Anais explained, "The last one we know of, if you die the prophecy dies with you. Llessar dies with you. Then it's only a matter of time before earth falls too."

Jackson watches as they continue to argue. He knows Anais is right, Luca is far to valuable to chance loosing, but the Shadow brought an entire realm to its knees. They would need all the help they could get.

"I agree with Luca." Jackson interjects. "He should know how to fight."

"Well, I agree wish Anais, it's too dangerous." Gray says, disagreeing with Jackson.

Of course she's disagreeing with him, it seems they're never on the same side.

"Your vote doesn't count, you don't know anything." Jackson retorts, straighten up from leaning on the counter.

"I know I can kick your ass now." Gray says, standing up from the couch, "So I would be extra nice to me if I were you."

"Just because you sucker punched me once doesn't mean you can suddenly beat me in a fair fight."

"Jackson.." Anais starts.

Ignoring Anais's warning Jackson watches Gray take a few steps toward him. "Why don't we do outside and settle this, right now?"

"Gray.." Anais says again.

Jackson, feeling the anger flair up inside him as Gray says. "I have some issues I would love to your work on your face."


The sound was so loud Jackson could have sworn the ground shook. He looks at Anais, wondering what he could possibly so upset about, but Anais wasn't looking at either of them.

"You will have plenty of time to pummel each other later, for now it looks like Luca shall get his wish." Anais pauses, "Someone is trying to get through the portal."


Gray feels her anger at Jackson slip away as Anais starts speaking. 

"Looks like we need to bump up our timeline.We have to go through the portal before whatever is there gets through. If we don't, and it gets through first, then when we access the portal later the Shadow will almost certainly find it."

Gray and Luca lock eyes, she can see the fear growing in his.

"We have to move, now." Anais announces, making his way over to the portal, ripping down the sheet.

Gray grabs her phone out of her pocket, she couldn't just leave David. She frantically types out a message as Anais began drawing the symbols on the wall, pressing send just as the blinding white light erupted.

Once the light fade faded Gray looked around the hut. Looking for whatever it was that had tried to get through.

"I knew if wouldn't take long for you to get here once I started poking around."

Gray whirled around, looking for the source of the voice.

"Damn you Hagan! Do you have any idea what you've done!" Anais screamed, seemingly at nothing.

Gray, following Anais's gaze finds herself looking at the couch. She's about to ask Anais what was going on when she sees his eyes.

Sitting on the couch with its legs crossed was a.. well, Gray wasn't actually sure what he was.

His skin was the same dark brown as the couch which is why Gray didn't see him at first. He looked to be about the size of a toddler, but the wrinkles on his skin made it clear he was much older. The only reason Gray had managed to see him was because of his eyes. They were an electric green color and perfectly round. Each eye about the size of a golf ball. He had a long hooked nose that protruded from his face and pointed ears that twitched, as if hearing sounds not accessible to humans. The creature, Gray realized as it slid off the couch, wasn't wearing any clothes except what looked like a very, very dirty cloth, tied with string around his waist.

"I couldn't help myself Anais," The creature says as its feet hit the floor. "Rumors of our savior have spread like wildfire across the land. I had to come," he says as his eyes turn towards Luca, "and see him for myself."

His voice gave Gray the creeps. She had no other way to describe it but to say that it sounded sticky, as if his tongue needed to be pulled apart from the roof of his mouth for every word he uttered.

"How far have the rumors gone?" Anais asked

"They have yet to reach the seas."

"We need to stop them. The Shadow is under the assumption that Gray is the heir, we will lose our edge if they learn otherwise."

Gray watched as Anais and Hagan left the hut, walking towards the village where the pixies lived.

"What the hell is that thing?" Gray asks Jackson.

"Thats Hagan, he's a bogey." Jackson responds.

"A what?" Luca asks.

"A bogey," Jackson repeats looking annoyed. "He's a type of goblin. Weren't you paying attention when Anais went over the creatures in this realm?"

"He literally named hundreds of creatures, I'm sorry I couldn't remember one of them." Gray hissed.

Gray makes her way over to the stack of books Anais keeps by his bed. Finding the one she's looking for she's starts skimming its pages.

"Bogey...bogey...bogey, Aha! 'Bogeys tend to be the smallest form of goblin. To make up for their size, they have dragon scales beneath their skin, making them the hardest goblin to actually kill.'"

"Well, hopefully that does it." Anais announces as he walks with Hagan back into the hut. "Since Hagan has decided to move up our timeline," he gives the bogey a glare, "We might as well make the most of it."

Anais goes about grabbing a few items from the hut while Gray and Luca find themselves drawn outside. They've only seen Aldhour the one time, and it was at night. While it was beautiful then, it didn't compare to Aldhour during the day.

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