Movie Store

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The video store on Sutherland road was sandwiched between the derelict youth centre and the abandoned building in which a sports shop had once been. Faded 'Fight Club' and 'Pulp Fiction' posters were taped up on the inside of the windows, and a set of fairy lights were visible too, in an attempt to lighten up the otherwise dingy building. Being in their rival gang's territory, especially with a psycho such as Hade around, was enough to set off butterflies in Khamil's stomach, in fear of being jumped at any moment. His friends were on guard too, their heads snapping up at every person who passed them, suspicion in their eyes.

"Just cop a video, and we can get the fuck out of here," Omar said with a grimace. "Watch it at Pikey's or something."

Khamil dismounted his bike, slowly dropping it down onto the pavement next to his mates before heading towards the shop. He was just as eager as Omar to leave this street, he just had to do this quickly. 

"Get Terminator!" 

As he pushed open the door to the shop, he saw a girl behind the counter, brown curls framing a young face; she was scribbling something into a notepad. He instantly felt at ease - it'd be far easier to nick something with someone like that at the counter, clearly new to the job. Old people were instantly suspicious of the youth, surveying their every movement, whereas this girl was lost in whatever she was writing. A familiar song was playing gently inside, the music floating to his ears - though he would never admit it to his friends, this song made him feel sort of happy - a faded memory held in the melody. This thought lasted a split second, before his eyes landed on the racks of DVD's - this would be easy. Casually sauntering in, he scanned the DVDs, his eyes running over the labels, though he wasn't really paying attention to them.

"Do you need any help?" 

The sound of the girl's voice made Khamil jump, and he quickly looked up to where she was glancing at him expectantly. He looked at her for a second, her brown eyes shining. Rose-tinted cheeks, and slightly parted lips ... she was waiting for a response, her eyebrows raised. Slowly, he shook his head.

"I'm just browsing."

"Okay," she nodded, a small mischievous smile on her lips. Khamil frowned, watching as she leant her elbow on the counter, covering the smile with her hand. 

"What's funny?" he asked, a hint of confused amusement in his voice, as she failed to hide it.  

"That's the pornography section," she said, breaking into a laugh as Khamil quickly stepped away, realising. 

"I wasn't - I'm not looking for that ... kind of film."

She grinned at his reaction. 

"I know, we haven't sorted the categories out properly yet. They shouldn't really be there, but no one's moved them yet."

Khamil looked back at the section, a bewildered look in his eyes, that only seemed to amuse the girl more. He walked away, quickly moving his gaze to the regular films. He rarely felt humbled, but somehow that had embarrassed him, and he hoped his cheeks hadn't turned red. People were usually slightly intimidated by him in his dark hoodies and puffer jackets, with his ASBO-esque friends, but here was this girl laughing at him. There was a moment of silence, as he stole quick look back at her - he may as well ask. The worst she could do was laugh at him again.

"What's this song called?"

"You don't know it?"

"I know it, yeah. My mum always listened to it, but I don't know the name."

A brief smile crossed the girl's face, but this one was a gentle smile - not one of laughter.

"Bring it on home to me. By Sam Cooke."

"Did you put it on?'


Khamil nodded in approval, before looking back at the films. He didn't want to steal one anymore - this girl was cute.

"I'm Khamil," he said, glancing up at her again. 

"Poppy," she replied, her lips still tugging in a small smile. 

Khamil looked back at the DVDs, before rubbing a hand across his forehead in thought, and then shooting a look outside - his friends weren't watching, they were facing away from the window in conversation. 

"Fuck sake," he murmured after several seconds of thought, digging into his pocket for any loose change he might have. He barely had enough money to eat tonight, and here he was paying for some movie he didn't even want to watch. Poppy watched with raised eyebrows as he strode towards the counter, his voice suddenly dropping to a low murmur. 

"What's your cheapest film?" 

"I mean ... apart from the new ones they're all pretty much the same price. Three or four pounds."

Khamil sighed for a moment, pinching the bridge of his nose as the girl looked at him, laughing lightly.

"You know you don't have to buy a film," she joked, though there was some genuine reassurance in her voice.

"Yeah - can I just - can I just get this one."

Khamil turned around, quickly grabbing a film off the rack - turning it over in his hands to examine it. He'd picked up 'Cool Hand Luke'- and a red '£4.99' sticker was half peeling off the side of it. Poppy watched him, waiting for a response, watching as he slid the film across the counter. When he turned around once more to catch a glimpse of his friends, and whether they were looking or not, she seemed to clock what he was doing, her glance flicking back to him. Looking down at the DVD, she peeled the red sticker off and scrunched it in her hand, dropping it in the bin. 

"That's £1, please."

"But it said £4.99."

"£1," she repeated, and he broke into a small, crooked smile, pulling a coin from his pocket and dropping it onto the counter. 

"Thanks," he said, surprising himself at how sheepish he sounded. He took the DVD, and headed towards the door of the shop, a small bell ringing above him as it opened, and swung shut behind him. At the sound, his friends turned around, immediately grabbing their bikes to leave.

"What'd you get?"

"Cool Hand Luke."

"I said Terminator!" Omar whined, earning a deadpan look from Khamil.

"I don't mind waiting outside whilst you go in and nick that one then."

"Fuck that, I'm leaving," Gaz muttered, jumping onto his bike and wiggling his fingers at the handles. "This place is like fucking Arkham Asylum." 

Pikey was clearly equally as paranoid about running into Hade, as he watched Khamil shove the DVD into his jacket pocket, nodding his head at Gaz.

"He's right, we're getting the fuck out of here."

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