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"Well then leave the fucking windows open, I don't care!"

"That's not going to make a difference, Rob!"

The moment Khamil shut the door, the shouting floated down to his ears, a clear row erupting over some trivial matter. With a groan of annoyance, he jogged up the stairs, the argument getting louder.

"It's illegal for starters!"

"Get me arrested then, Jesus Christ! I think the police have bigger matters than me smoking inside, Louise."

Khamil pushed the door open, and the voices stopped as the couple caught sight of him. His mum fell silent, though Rob still had a look of irritation on his face, raising his eyebrows at Khamil. It was only when the boy caught sight of Agnes sat on the ragged sofa across from them that he let his bag slide off his shoulder, looking at the two adults in concern. 

"Mum, why are you letting him swear when Agnes is here?" he asked in annoyance, crossing the room to kneel in front of the girl - though she seemed pretty intent on her colouring book to have paid much attention to the row. 

"Hey," he said warmly to her, and she gave him a sleepy smile - understandably too, looking at the time. 

"She's five, she doesn't understand," Rob muttered, leaning against the kitchen sink as Khamil greeted his sister. 

"It's ten o'clock and she isn't in bed yet, either," Khamil pointed out, standing up to look at Rob.

"No thanks to you - where the fuck have you been?"

"Language, Rob," Khamil's mum murmured, though not very assertively. Khamil shot Rob a dirty look, before gently ushering Agnes up from the sofa and towards her bedroom, an assortment of colouring books and pencils in her hands. 

"It's true though - where the hell does he go every night? Probably dealing something dodgy," Rob snorted, picking up his beer from the countertop and taking a swig as Khamil ignored the comment, quietly closing Agnes's door.  Like Rob could talk. 

"Oi - did you hear me? I asked you where you were."

Khamil turned back around, walking towards the fridge and opening it, scanning the practically empty shelves. His eyes settled on a packet of almond nuts, and he took them out, before shutting the door.

"I was at the park."

"Playing on the swings?" 

There was a spiteful tone to Rob's sarky humour, as he placed his beer bottle back on the counter, remaining leant against the sink. 

"Something like that."

Rob shook his head smirking, before nodding at Khamil's mum.

"Tell him then."

"Tell me what?"

Khamil's mum paused, wiping her hands on her jeans from where she'd just been cleaning the table, and folding her arms. 

"You're on your last warning, Khamil."

"What does that mean?"

"It means one more fuck-up and you're out of school," Rob interrupted, almost smug at the news. Khamil looked at him, an ominosity resting behind his eyes. 

"Just please," his mum said, and he turned his head back to look at her. "Don't do anything stupid. No stealing, no fights, no police ... okay?"

"Okay," Khamil murmured in agreement, as his mum held his eye contact, her eyebrows raised.

"I need you to listen okay? It's important - just, for four more months until school finishes, stay out of trouble."

"I will," Khamil nodded more sincerely, as his mum kept her eyes on his. She nodded slowly, slightly unconvinced before giving him a small smile, and turning around to finish cleaning the counter-top. As Khamil threw an almond into his mouth, and made his way towards the door adjacent to Agnes', another remark rose from Rob, his snigger infuriating. 

"I give him three days."

Khamil swung his door shut, just in time to hear his mum nudge Rob, indicating for him to shut up.

"What? We both know it's true."

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