Under The Hat

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"Oi! Khamil! KHAMIL!"

Despite his best efforts to ignore Pikey's hollering from across the road, Khamil finally gave in, turning round to see his friend with his arms out.

"The fuck you playing at! Why do you look like a nonce?"

Omar and a few of the other boys by the convenience store laughed at Pikey's comments, which were clearly directed at Khamil's attire. Rather than his grey trackies, he had opted for a pair of black jeans; the polo shirt he usually wore now looked smarter paired with these, giving the impression of a somewhat smart casual appearance. Gaz sat on the railings, a small grin of amusement as he looked at his best friend, though he was laughing at Pikey's hilarity rather than what Khamil was wearing. Seeing as he'd already been spotted, Khamil reckoned it was better to cross the road and just speak to his mates rather than be guffawed at from across the street like some bully victim. He made his way over, as Pikey and Omar continued to cackle at how different he looked when attempting to be presentable. 

"Might look like a nonce, but at least I've not got your barber."

Gaz grinned more at Khamil's response as the other boys chortled at Pikey, who had now settled down a bit in indignation at the jibe. 

"Aight then," he retorted, taking the cigarette from his mouth. "What you coming to us for, with garms like that?" 

"Think you'll find I was walking past you, mate," Khamil grinned, avoiding a light cuff on the head from Omar, as he sent him a cheeky wink. 

"Forget it, shit's gone down, man. We've got a situation with Sutherland - one of 'em nicked Omar's puff from his dealer. About forty quids worth as well, so we're gonna go take 'em on," Pikey explained, dragging on his cigarette and then releasing a breath of smoke into the air. 

"Nah, not today," Khamil said, shaking his head.  

"The fuck's up with you man? Don't be a pussy," Pikey said, his brow furrowed, and then his tone lost its daring edge, his eyes softening a bit. "Yo, we need you."

"Later, man, swear down. I need to dash."

Not staying around for anymore banterous taunts, Khamil took off again, his departure met with a couple of light-hearted jeers. Only Gaz knew where he was going, dressed like a 'nonce' as previously deemed, which is probably why the others were a little more annoyed at his sudden desertion of them, especially Pikey.  

"Have fun with the queen, you dry prick!" 

Khamil grinned at the insult, though kept walking ahead, a hopeful anticipation in his walk. The job interview was only a bus journey away, and luckily - this time - not in Sutherland. 

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