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The next day, Khamil found himself outside the same small bricked house, an advancement on his own accommodation, though still in keeping with the rough area. This time, he was alone, having told Gaz he needed to be, though that hadn't stopped his friend from running through what he was going to say with him. Cautiously, the door opened, and once more Ronnie stood there, an inquisitive look in her eyes.

"Well hello there," she said courteously, an attempt to lighten the mood; Khamil certainly seemed more content than the last time he'd been here.  Then she raised her eyebrows. "You said you were going to call."

"I want to help."

"You want to help?"

"Yeah. I thought it through, and I think I can handle it. I just don't want to be like my dad, you know?"

Ronnie opened the door a little more, intent on what Khamil was saying, though she had a doubting look on her face.

"I heard you got kicked out."

"That's bullshit. I'm just crashing with Gaz for a few days, but not for long. I swear, I'm gonna try sort shit out."

Ronnie looked at him. He'd always seen her as cool, with icy stares and striking dark hair but now she had a softness in her. Things like this changed people. 


"I'm gonna go to school. I'm gonna get my A-levels, and I'm gonna get a job. I'm gonna try and save for my own place."

Ronnie let out a light laugh, shaking her head, but Khamil cut her off. 

"I'm serious."

Her laughter faded into a curious smile, and she stared into his eyes, almost wistfully, reflective of a person realising they'd missed someone. Then she nodded, as if she really did believe him.

"Okay. I believe you."  

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