Cut to the Chase

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"Last warning? How many of those have you had?"

"Enough," Khamil muttered, flexing his fingers on the handlebars of his bike. 

Him and Gaz were outside the convenience store as usual - Gaz sat on the railings, with his bike leant against his knee, and Khamil sat on his, feet planted on the ground. 

"It's just fuckin' Rob, man. He's such a wasteman. Fuckin' hate him."

"I know, mate," Gaz said grimly. "But you only got, what - two more years there?" 

"Too long," Khamil said with a wry smile, as Gaz scrunched up his crisp packet and jumped off the railings.

"Where to, then?"

"You'll say no."

"Try me."


Gaz stopped to look at Khamil, his eyebrows raised.

"You fucking nutter. Why?"

Khamil shrugged, and Gaz's face suddenly melted into a grin. 

"It's not that bird, is it?"

Khamil wiggled his eyebrows humorously, before leaning back on his bike, and Gaz shook his head with a laugh, climbing onto his bike. 

"Fine - but if we get in shit, it's on you."

Gaz pointed a finger at Khamil, before cycling off, throwing his empty crisp packet into the bin as he passed it, and with a grin, Khamil followed. 

Within ten minutes they were cycling down a main Sutherland road; Khamil had one lazy arm on the handlebars, sat back fairly relaxed, as Gaz stood up every now and then, showing off to the girls they were passing, sat on the benches. 

"You gonna try that with no hands?" Khamil teased, after his friend had stood up for the fifth time, and Gaz pondered for a moment, as if deciding whether to risk his dignity - though eventually, his pride gave in, and with a small wobble he stood up on his bike. Quite successfully, he held his hands behind his back, balancing himself as they cycled down the street. 

"Lap it up," Khamil chortled, as Gaz flashed a five-star smile at a blonde leaving the wine shop, and she giggled in response, only encouraging his attempt to be dazzling. Unable to resist the urge, Khamil suddenly nipped in front of Gaz, cutting him off, and the boy had to grab the handlebars as he lunged forwards to stop himself flying over the front - leaving Khamil doubling over in hilarity.


Gaz steered his bike closer to Khamil's to whack him on the arm, as the blonde girl laughed, and walked away down the road, disappearing behind a shop-front. Khamil was too busy cackling with amusement, clearly happy with himself, as Gaz failed to hide his own grin. Leaning over the handlebars, Khamil winced at his aching stomach, though he was too amused to stop his laughter - that is, until, they rounded the next corner, and he suddenly saw Gaz's face drop. Looking up, he saw the road blocked off by a group of hoodied boys doing wheelies - an ominous atmosphere with their all-black clothes; one of them was even wearing a balaclava. Before the two of them could turn back, a familiar voice arose from the group, and they all turned to face them, sizing them up with hard, calculating stares.

"Well, well, what are the Batty Boys doing down here?"

Khamil looked down in annoyance at Hade's voice. "Batty Boys" was a nickname attributed to Khamil's lot by their street name: 'Bateson', and Hade clearly relished in using it whenever he could. His overtly welcoming smile as he came towards them was almost scary, with an undertone of threat buried in his eyes.  

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