Chapter 9: The Facade Is There To Prevent Worry

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"The most dangerous thing in the world is ourselves, for nobody truly knows our intentions, and sometimes... Even we don't know our own intentions..."



As soon as Sakura had reached the car, she immediately pulled out her phone and sent a quick text out to a friend.

As she frantically hit the 'send' button, her breathing hitched as she winced at her own memory. She pressed her back towards the metallic surface and raised a pale hand to the side of her now tear-stained face. She slid down so that she was sitting on the heated asphalt. Sure it stung a little, but Sakura didn't care at the moment.

She let out soft, quiet sobs as she pictured the young man's face once again: His then-translucent skin, the tentacles that germinated through the bottom of his skull. The pure horror and pain plastered in his eyes and over his face.

And yet again, there was that brief moment where she did not quite understand what she felt- The constant presence of as if she didn't want anything to do with the man, but she didn't hate him.

It was... Something new.

Sakura was never the same after The Burnings. The sharp corner that her head had struck caused her to gain Motus Iactura Amnesia- More commonly known as Emotion Amnesia, which causes the patient to suffer from the lack of capacity to retain what 'Emotions' are. Instead, she is forced to write down each and every new feeling she experiences, only for it to be stated as an emotion.

And no matter what she had done to retain these emotions, she could never ever again fully remember what such feelings other than boredom are.

She was forced to record each and everytime she feels something, in hopes that one day, she will retain each of these events. But her psychiatrist highly doubts this.

He stated that the damage done to her brain was supposed to leave her brain was supposed to leave her brain dead, and her life should've ended that day.

But Life wasn't done with her. Her brain cells had repaired themselves, all except for the hippocampus, what damage done to that would be there for life.

Even if she had miraculously survived and healed, Sakura knew that she'd never be the same.

"Did you feel something new today?" inquired a new voice.

Sakura turned to look at the owner of the voice. She sighed lightly before replying "I guess so..." She used a sleeve to wipe her face.

"What was it like this time?" He placed a hand on her white locks.

"I don't know how to describe it," she pulled out a pencil and a notebook, and began to write as she continued, "I saw something, and I began to feel my heart race... It was-"

"Like you didn't like it?"

"No, it was like I wanted to get as far as possible from it..."

"You want to know what that is?" Sakura nodded her head slightly, keeping her gaze straight.

"I've never felt this way since The Burnings... I've forgotten what 'emotions' are."

"That feeling Sakura, is Fear- the Primal Instinct of 'I need to get away before I-"

"I get it..." she chuckled, snapping her notebook shut.

"Well," said the boy standing up, "Do you want to head back in?"

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