Chapter 5: Alike

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Rick and Negan left the house. Davey and the other savior followed behind after shoving Carl out of the way. It left just the two of us.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out. I knew we needed to be strong against these people, but I felt so guilty.

Carl scoffed and turned his back to me. "Why?"

I took in a deep breath, thinking of what to say. "You all shouldn't have to go through this. Yeah, killing everyone at that outpost wasn't okay, but you should be able to keep your supplies," I explained.

"And why do you care?" Carl squinted like his father does and tilted his head.

"Well, Abraham was my brother." Carls eyes lifted before showing confusion. My lips pulled together in a thin line as I slowly nodded. "Negan didn't know until it was too late."

"Yeah, because he's a monster." Carl crossed his arms and leaned against the wall behind him. I took a seat in the steps, not finding a way to respond because I didn't disagree.

"So did your parents have red hair?" Carl asked out if nowhere. It took me a moment to realize what he was referencing to. Then I chuckled at his odd question.

"Uh, yeah. Our mom had red hair. That's where me and Abe got it from. Did you know him well?" I wanted to keep the conversation going. Maybe if I got to Carl, he could explain that not all the Saviors are horrible people.

"Kinda. I honestly thought he was an asshole at first," Carl smiled. I let out a laugh. "But he was really funny. He always had the weirdest phrases."

"He did." I couldn't believe it was working. We were both smiling and bonding. And that was beneficial for both of us because we had been going through the same grief. "His favorite phrase was mother-"

"Dick!" Carl finished. "That one was hilarious," he chuckled. He glanced out the window as if he was remembering the moments.

"Yep. He used that in highschool because we weren't allowed to cuss. So instead of saying fucker, he said dick. I'm not sure if that's much better," I said while laughing.

Carl looked down to the floor and smiled, as if he was reminiscing over the times he shared with Abe. "He was a pretty cool dude, ya know?" He stated, a bit of his southern accent coming through.

"Well, he was my brother," I said with a smirk.

"And I'm going to! Right now!" We hear Negan yell from outside. Carl jumps up and gives me a puzzled look before he darts out the door. I follow behind to find Negan talking to a woman with black hair. She was in tears and shaking.

"Negan, what is going on?" I ask him as I walk up. He looks to me with anger in his eyes.

"They lost two guns and no one knows where it is. Olivia here does inventory and she doesn't know where they are. So, until they find the guns, Olivia has a date with Lucille," he states as he clenches his jaw. He looks to Rick and shrugs. "Better start looking."

Rick closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "Let me get my people together and I'll find the guns," he said lowly.

"That's fine and dandy but Olivia stays with me. Can't let her run off without facing the consequences." Negan looks down to Olivia who was visibly shaken.

Rick began to open his mouth to object, but quickly closed it. He simply nodded and left.

"Negan, are you serious right now?" I asked in his ear. He turned towards me with eagerness.

"Yes I'm fucking serious." Negan looks down to our feet and continues, "These people are already fighting against me and day one isn't even over. With her life on the line, it'll make them straighten up. Or, they're just plain fucking stupid. This is on them."

I had no argument to that. He was right. This was on them. Their inventory didn't line up.

"Olivia, dear," Negan said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He began leading her to a bench near by. "This was your job and you screwed up. Keeping track of guns is life and death. Let's just hope your people find those gems."

I stood in the same spot. Something didn't seem right. Rick and Olivia genuinely acted like they didn't know where the guns were. And with Rick being the leader of the group, I couldn't imagine anyone rebelling with what happened less than a week ago. They'd all be too scared to act out. Except, maybe someone that wasn't there that night.

Suddenly, loud footsteps come from behind me. I turn to find Rick sprinting towards the house. He runs inside and one of his members confront him. They both look frantic.

I decide to head inside and try to help. I'm not up for killing the girl. It was her responsibility but I still needed these people to be see that we are good.

"Did he find it?" I ask the man with a white T-Shirt.

"No. Please don't let him kill her," he pleaded. I wanted to assure that I could, but I couldn't. I wouldn't want to get in Negan's way over something like this.

"Aaron! I found them!" Rick yells in the next room. It was the loudest I had ever heard Rick and his southern accent came through strongly.

"Where were they?" Aaron asks as runs in.

"They were in the vent," Rick states. He then notices that I'm standing there and immediately glanced down at his shoes. "It was Spencer," he says softly. Aaron looks at me and shakes his head, as if not wanting me to say anything. But I'd keep it as a mental note.

{oh man there's a sneaky snake in the group and Lily knows! Sorry for the slow updates. Life's been flying by man.}

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