Chapter 1 - Three Years Later...

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Atlanta's POV

Three Years Later...

"Come On Katy! You can do it! Four More Miles then it's a win-win!" I Shouted off the bleachers.

The Crowed Cheered when Katy started running faster.

"She's Awesome! She's going to win this season!" I said to my boyfriend, James.

Yes, I now have a Boyfriend. Actualy ever since I left my Old Pack I found an even better one who treated me a million times better then my old one. James, the Alpha of the Pack and treated me well and we became a couple 2 months after I came here. I met some new friends and got some... Enemies. My Best Friend of all is Stacey, the Beta's (Chris) Mate. James Mate died in a battle with Hunters years before I came into the picture. Let's just say a TON of lives were lost that day.

"Babe, I got to tell you Something" James Said looking all serious it scared me. He was never this serious unless it was the Saftey of our Pack or Others.

"What's Wrong?" I asked all of a suden becoming worried.

"There's a Pack... It needs our help to train them. Since your our Future Alpha Female and our best Warrior in the Pack, We need you to come along." He said slowly, as if checking as how I would React.

"Why are you Worried? You know I'd always be fine with it." I said a smile on my face. He cupped my cheekes and softly said "It's Midnight Moonlight Pack" He Said.

I took a deep breath "Like I said, I'll be fine" I said. My Wolf was Happy that she was going to see her Mate again. I guess she forgot who broke her- No, Our Heart. "You Sure, At? I coud Cancel if you don't want to go" He said. "Nah, I'm fine. They Won't Recognize me Anyway, right? I have Changed" I said. That wasn't Really a Lie. Since I came here, I've gotten Fit and Badass. I also developed in the Looks and Curves department. "I don't know, At. We're Leaving Tommorow." I guess that was okay-- WAIT! Did he just say Tomorrow? "Yes, I did" He said Matter of Factly. Did I say that out loud? "Yes, You did" He said with a Smirk on his face. I felt Heat rise up to my Cheeks.

"And the Winner for this Years Ten Mile Dash is... Katy Stewarts!" The Anouncer for the Competiton spoke in the loud Speaker.

I Cheered for Katy as she went up to get her 1st Place Medal. After the Awarding She Ran up to us and Hugged us tight. "I knew it, Kate!" I said Hugging her. "You Won! Congrats!" I almost screamed at her. Katy was 10. No, she wasn't a Werewolf but she knows all about them. Her Parent's were killed by Rouges at Age 8. We found her Crying in the Pack's teritory and decided to take her in. She's a Sweet Girl. Although She's a Rebel at Times.

"Come On! Let's get Back to the Pack House and Pack for Our Trip." Jason Said. Picking Katy up.

"Let's Go!" Katy Shrieked and Started dragging us to our Car. Guess she was exited. I on the Other Hand, Wasn't.

Kyle's POV

It's been Three Years Since I Last saw her.

And Now, Because of Me, My Pack's getting Weaker.

"Alpha Kyle, The Star Light Pack is coming in aroud--" Andre was cut off by the sound of loud engine's "That must be them." I said and Exited my Study. Once I got outside I was amazed by the sight. There were aroud Thirty Cars and around Twenty-four Motorbikes. What I was guessing as the Alpha's Car in the Middle of them all. When the Door Opened, I saw a Guy of about 6'4. He was Three inches taller then me and got most of the unmated females in my Pack droll.

"Hi, I'm Alpha Starling, you can call me James" He introduced himself. There was a Hard Glint in his Eye but I decided to ignore it. "Alpha Anderson, You may just call me Kyle" I answerd. After we were done introducing each other his pack came up behind him. I couldn't belive the Numbers. There we're more Male Werewolves then my Pack's Male's and Female's put together, and these were just the Male's, not including the Female's and Children.

Just then there was a Rumble of an Engine. Their Pack Parted like the Red sea. There was someone on a motorcycle. I was guessing he was someone important and I aimed my Eyes at Alpha Jason. "Ehem, Uh... Who is your Pack Warrior?" I asked him "She's on that motorcycle" He said. "Oh ok-- SHE???"  I asked. Who would ever make a female a Pack Warrior? "Yes She. She's also My Mate and Future Alpha-Female" He replied. "Oh, Sorry Alpha James" I apoligized. His Mate walked over to us and removed her helmet. She was Hot. She had Blonde Hair with Red streakes on it, a killer body and  a look on her face like she shouldn't be messed with. She looked like some badass.

She walked over to Alpha James and ignored me. "Hi Baby," She smiled sweetly at him. I felt my Wolf Growl at the sight of them together. She finally acknowledged me, when she turned to me, her smile turned into a frown, her face showed hate and anger. She gave out a forced smile that didin't reach her eyes. "Alpha Anderson" She adressed to me. She looked at Alpha James like they we're Mind-Linking and James nodded.

"Alpha Anderson, We'd like to see our rooms" He said. I led them to the woods where the Pack House was. "Uh, Alpha, Your Room is Down the Hall. Your Pack Warrior's is on that Corner--" "No need, She will stay with me." Alpha James spoke up. My Wolf Revolted at the thought, I let it be. "Of course" I said.

Before they left I grabbed their Pack warrior's Shoulder. "What's your name?" I asked. "Atlanta, Atlanta Blacknight" She replied Coldly with a Hard Glare and Left.

What the Hell just Happend?

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