Chapter 8 - Family Bonding... Note the Sarcasm?

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I wrote this already but I wan't able to save it :( Now I'm writing this all over again :( Like the New cover?

Atlanta's POV

He's a stupid Prick. A Stoupid no-good... Buldozer. He so idiotic. He rejercted me didint he? Why does he want me all of a sudden? I'm getting married soon. To someone who loved me even before I was who I am now. He made me this way. He showed me true love and concern. My new pack is my family, and, without them I would still be that girl who cried herself to sleep beaue her mate rejected her. 

I owe them everything.

I let out a short cry and punched the wall. Why was my life so complicated? Why wasn't it a happy ever?

The fates cursed me with an idiotic Werewolf mate, and, a Vampire murderer. Why couldn't my life be normal. I was abused since I was old enough to walk. The only light in my world were my pak and James.


A small Smile crept to my lips as I thought about him. He was my savior and my hero. He helped me and made me who I am. He broke the Heart of glass in me. He was the first person i told my past too. Then Stacy. Stacy was the best friend you could ever have. She was the one you could spill all your problems too. Chris was like my brother. And Chris mum and dad, Malory and Gorge were like my parents.

I was better off without that pack.

I then shifted into my wolf and jumped out the window to run all the tention out off me.

I recognized the path I was running through. Running made me feel free and seeing the beautiful flowers that I adored, I felt completly happy as i ran to the place where I use to go to when I cried along time ago.

Bluestone lake. 

It was on the pack territory. I went here when I use to cry. But, now I was visiting it to let out anger and stress that was clogging up in me.


When i got there i shifted and went to a tree where I know they stored clothes for us. I sat next to the lake and stared at my reflection and comparing me before and me now.

The old me a long time ago was deathly pale and had lifeless puke green eyes. She was too thin and looked like a stick. Her limp greasy hair that stuck to her hair was disgusting.

And looking at myself now, I felt like I achevied something special. My now Blond hair with Dark red highlights had a natural wave and blew with the wind. My used to-be dull and lifeless green eyes changed to an emerald green shade sparkled with happiness and life. My old pale skin and stick thin body was just right. Not too thin, not too fat. And with a tan from working out.

I heard a twig snap behing me and with my amazingly fast reflexes I spind as fast as lighting and went in a deffensive pose to see my attackers.

They were not attackers.

They were my blood family. All three of them in wolf form. My 'mother' had a sandy blond coat and blue eyes. My 'father' had a salt and pepper coat and orange eyes, while my 'brother had a midnight black coat that had brown patches at his paws.

I would really have prefferd attackers instead.

I growled at them when they shifted and were fully clothed.

"What do you want?" I growled. My mother cried and stuttered "Y-y-your for-g-gi-vness" She crieed. 


I chuckled hummorlessly. "What makes you think I would give you that?" I asked. Then her face changed into anger "You ungratefull child! We brought you up and this is how you act to us?" Then her tone changed imedietly "give your mother a hug" She cried running toward me.

I growled as she ran to me and I caught her wrist.

"You are not my Mother" I hissed at her.


Hey Guys! 

I'm so sorry for not updating. I have a good reason though! Our school is letting those who are smart enough move a level higher for next school year. And guess who is going from Grade 4 to Grade 6?

Yup, ME!!!!

But we still have more tests to take. After that It's summer! So yeah. I'll try to update more frequently... So yeah! Oh and I'm gonna write a new story soon. I kinda got obsessed with Teen Fiction... So yeah :)

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