Chapter 7

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I didn't unfold the piece of paper until I got back to the sofa where I had been sleeping. I opened it slowly, then faster, curiosity taking over me. The corners of my lips turned up as I saw what was on the paper.

A sketch of me, and Sarah, both of us laughing. It was a scene from a few hours ago when I brought her to bed and started tickling her. The smile on my face in that drawing... seemed unrealistic. I have never seen a smile in the person in the mirror looking back at me everyday. A sudden feeling of fondness came over me that Steve and Sarah were able to see this happy side of me, this side that I was blind to. Then I noticed what was written on the bottom.

To Nat, my favorite woman in the world,
You are an amazing person. I drew this picture from what I saw a few hours ago, and you know how I am. I draw things from reality. I'm not just trying to convince you that you're a good person this time. What I'm actually trying to say is... I want you to be Sarah's new mom. I'm not pushing you to be in that kind of relationship with me and you can just be a mom, but frankly, I'm open to it. Sarah told you what I couldn't say in person. You make me happy, Nat. You make my day. And I want to surround myself with people like you. But if you don't feel the same about me, I'm totally fine. Please just promise me that you'll stay. Stay with me.
~ Steve

"Steve..." I whispered to myself. Tears threatened to fall down my cheeks, happy tears. No one had talked about me like this. No one had made me feel so happy. And for the first time, I finally knew what love was, the feeling Steve had talked about in his letter to me. There was a voice nagging in the back of my mind, that I shouldn't do this, that I shouldn't get close to someone then just get my heart broken or that person's heart broken. But this time, I pushed that voice away. Something told me Steve was different. He was kinder, and stronger than the others.

"Like my drawing?" I looked up to see Steve leaning against the frame of my bedroom door. He had come back, maybe still unable to sleep. I hastily wiped my teary eyes and said, "You naughty soldier."

I walked up to him with a smirk on my face. I fingered his collar and looked up at him.

"You can't just write a letter like that to me and not receive any payment," I said. And before Steve could say anything, I stopped him with my lips. I felt Steve smiling into the kiss, and it was all I could do to stop myself from smiling as well. I pulled away after a long time. This time I put a finger to his lips.

"Don't say anything, especially not to Tony and the other Avengers. If you do, I will do something very very bad to you. You don't want to know. And... thank you for the picture and letter. Sweet dreams."

Patting his shoulder, I walked with light steps back to the couch, looking back at Steve at the end. He just gave me a grin and went back in the room.

The next morning dawned, and then came a very awkward breakfast. No one had expected Tony to come back so early.

"My apologies for the inconvenience my fellow people. I only have bagels at this moment," I said, standing with my arms crossed, a half-apologetic look on face. Steve was the first to speak up.

"It's okay-" he started to stay. He was interrupted by Tony who said, "No it is not. And I knew Tasha wouldn't have anything interesting for us. Which is why I brought this." He opened a huge package next to him to reveal a tray of breakfast food. Pancakes, waffles, toast, fruit, cereal, and all that good stuff. I turned to Steve, who just shrugged and dug into the food with Sarah and Tony. Rolling my eyes but smiling, I sat down next to Steve and started eating the food that Tony had served us.

Tony was continuously looking at us with a suspicious look throughout breakfast, and it didn't help that Steve kept on stealing glances at me. I kicked his shin and he mouthed ow at me. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and a smile slipped from my lips. Then Steve started trembling his leg and I had to put a hand on it to stop. This time, I dared to look at Steve. I looked quickly away, but not without laughing with Steve.

"Okay," Tony said, slapping his palm of the table. "I am not able to stand this awkward breakfast anymore. I'm going to cut to the chase. You - you and Nat, something happened between you and you're not telling."

This was followed by an "oooh" from Sarah who had caught on to what Tony was saying. Steve and I looked at each other, and a laugh escaped from our mouths.

"Me? Steve? Do you really think we're in a romantic relationship? We've been friends a long time. Just friends," I made that clear and went back to my food. For a while, my spoon was the only thing making sound. Looking up, I realized that everyone was watching me.

"Tasha, no one believes you. Not even gullible Steve here believes you. What actually happened between you guys last night?" Tony crossed his arms and smirked at my speechlessness. "Ha! Icracked her! I cracked the spy!"

I stood up and out my hand on Steve's arm.

"A word?" I asked. Steve stood up and trailed after me into the kitchen. We talked in hush voices, careful not to let anyone overhear, though that was kind of useless now.

"I thought I told you not to tell Tony?" I raised my eyebrow and looked at him pointedly.

"I didn't! Trust me," Steve whisper-shouted. Shaking my head, I walked back to the table, Steve right behind me.

"Okay fine. Sarah, I'm going to be your mother now," I paused to look at Sarah's expression. She had a wide, Cheshire-cat smile on. "And Tony, you and Clint are not allowed to bet on Steve and me anymore. Yes, Clint ratted you out, but at least he's an honest man."

Tony looked at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"That bird-brain, how dare he!" He whispered to himself. For the moment, I ignored Tony's side-comments and focused on the wide grin on Sarah's face.

An hour later, I found myself seated in a hospital chair next to Steve, who was tapping his foot nervously. I looked at him and put my hand on his knee to calm him down.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. James is going to be okay," I said. He looked up from the floor. His blue eyes were still filled with deep concern. I sighed. Nothing would keep this man calm.

"Come here," I whispered, and held out my arms for him. He gladly obliged as I wrapped my arms around him. As he leaned his head onto my shoulder, I heard him say, "Thank you." I put on a small smile.

When we broke away, he exhaled deeply. His eyes fluttered down to my lips.

"Can we talk about last night?"

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