Chapter 8

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As soon as those words came out of his mouth, we were interrupted by a doctor.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rogers? You can go in," the doctor said, a grim look on his face. I stood up with Steve and stammered, "Uh... we're not married." The doctor ignored me and ushered us in. Steve and I exchanged a look and went inside.

I gasped as I stepped into the room. James was pale, his veins bluer than they should be, and his eyes rapidly moving under his eyelids. His lips were blue, and his hair and shirt was marred with sweat. I put a hand over my mouth in shock and approached the hospital bed with Steve. I turned to the doctor.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, an angry tone in my voice. The doctor shook his head and looked at me grimly.

"The poor boy is in a coma, has been for about a week by now. We're trying to help him, but we really don't know a cure for this," The doctor said apologetically. I gave him a disgusted look.

"A week and you can't find a cure for this? Are you just giving up? What kind of doctor are you?" I half-yelled, more angry than annoyed now. Steve stood up and put a hand on my arm.

"Natasha, you don't have to do this," he said with a warning tone in his voice. I shook my head fiercely.

"No, I do. We're going to get him to a real doctor," I said, then went over and picked up James. "C'mon Steve."

Steve followed at my heels as I held James cold body close to my chest. We made it to the front lobby when a swarm of doctors and nurses surrounded us. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't make me do this guys. Do you know who I am? I'm the Black Widow, and I do bad things to bad people. So unless you want me to think of you as a bad person, you better scramble," I threatened. The doctors and nurses parted their way for me and Steve as we pushed through the crowd and left the building. Steve didn't say a word until we were in the car.

"Nat, what was that in there?"

To my surprise, he looked angry. I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to help. And I don't know about you, but I couldn't bear to leave my child in the hands of a terrible doctor," I said, running a hand through my hair in stress. As Steve looked down at the ground and smiled, I knew it worked.

"Okay, I guess you did the right thing," he said as he looked back up at me. "Thank you, Nat."

I gave him a playful punch and smirked.

"That's what friends are for, right?"

Steve was silent after that until we arrived at the next traffic light. As my car came to a stop, he grabbed my hand, forcing me to look at him.

"Look, I don't want to ignore what happened between us last night, so please... can we talk about it?" He said. I looked away and back at the road. As the traffic light turned green, I started my car again. Sighing, I said, "What more is there to talk about? It's just, you gave me a real special gift and I kissed you in return. And... and we were both happy about it." Steve's grip on my hand turned more into a caress as I said those words.

"You liked it? The kiss?" He asked me. I smiled and turned to him for a second.

"Yes I did," I said, then turned back to look straight forward.

"I liked it too," Steve said shyly. "I was just making sure with you, because last time we kissed, you asked if it was my first kiss since 1945, and I felt self-conscious about it."

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Please, Steve. I was just teasing you. But you did become better at kissing let me tell you that. You must've gotten some... practice," I said, squinting at him. We were at our destination now, and I was parking my car. Steve looked at me as my car came to a stop.

"I guess I was just waiting to kiss the right person," he said, and locked his eyes with mine. And before I could say something else, I saw a flash of blond hair and felt his soft lips on mine. This time, it was him leaning in and kissing me, not the other way around.

I cupped my hand around his face as the kiss became more passionate, and though I knew we needed to leave the car soon, I didn't want to. I wanted to stay trapped in this moment forever. Steve then broke away, and laughed as he saw my face.

"You're smiling," he pointed out. I dropped the smile immediately, unable to allow him to win over me. I cocked my head and smirked.

"It's because you've got paparazzi outside your window," I said. Steve abruptly turned around and yelped. Clint and Tony were filming outside, with Bruce in the back just smiling and shaking his head.

"Those jerks, I'm going to murder them," Steve said, and pushed the car door open on his side. I climbed out of the car as he did, and walked over to the other boys to realize that Steve was already there, giving them a scolding. When I arrived there, the boys turned to me with frightened looks.

"Oh no, Tasha's coming. Run!" Tony said. He and Clint dashed right ahead. Bruce stayed behind.

"Steve - go talk to Bruce about our little problem with James. I'll be catching those two clowns and bringing them here," I ordered. Steve gave me a curt nod, and I sprinted after Tony and Clint.

As I arrived at the door of the Avengers tower, I got suspicious. I stepped one foot forward, then drew it back immediately. Water came crashing down from the ceiling and I knowingly nodded my head. When the downpour of water stopped, I stepped in and basically went through a whole obstacle course until I came to my room.

"Okay, you guys can come out now," I said, throwing up my arms. Sam jumped from the ceiling, while Vision walked through the wall and Wanda, Thor, Clint, and Tony appeared from the closet. I shook my head in disappointment.

"Steve's son is dying and you guys are setting up an obstacle course for me? I am highly disappointed," I said, and walked out of the room. As I had expected, the others trailed behind me, whispering as they did so. I led them straight to the medical room, where Steve was waiting nervously for the results and Bruce was calmly doing his thing. I walked over to Steve and rubbed his back.

"It's going to be okay. We're going to find a cure for James. I'm sure of it," I said in a reassuring tone. Steve turned to me and gave me a half-hearted smile.

"You were never the optimistic one. What happened?" He asked. I opened my mouth to answer, but stopped as Bruce put all of his tools down and looked up at us.

"So... I have good news and bad news."

Sorry for the long wait guys! I had a writer's block and... yeah. I had trouble coming up with ideas. Anyways, thank you for all the support and have a nice day everyone! I'll try to update sooner!

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