Chapter 3

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Monday morning dawned on Jade and her body was aching.She didn't feel like getting out of bed and going to school but then she remembered she had a friend and a silly smile appeared on her face.She got ready and slipped into the cool air of her Mustang and drove to school.She walked through the doors and went to shove books into her locker when Tori came bounding up to her with two cups of coffee in her hands.

"Morning!I got you a coffee",she said,thrusting the beverage into Jade's hands.She smiled and thanked Tori for it,blushing at the random act of kindness."Have you see Andre?"She shook her head."I've been looking for him since I got here."They walked to Tori's locker and Jade leaned against the locker next to Tori's,staring as she put her books into it.She's even prettier from the side,and Jade didn't even bother stopping the thought from wrapping itself around her brain. She was so busy admiring Tori 's side profile that she didn't notice the brunette waving her out of the mini daydream.She finally snapped out of it after Tori yelled into her ear.

"What was that?"Jade blushed a deep shade of red before clearing her throat and saying,"I just thought you looked pretty from the side."It was Tori's turn to go all red and Jade smirked at the reaction.They walked to Sikowitz's class together but separated into different seats.

After Sikowitz,they had different classes.Tori looked at Jade's retreating back and wished so badly she could just be wherever Jade was.She reached her class and found that no one was there yet so she decided to get a can of soda from the vending machine when she heard the screams.No one else did because the noisemakers thought that they were alone.It was coming from the janitor's closet so she decided to walk away until there was a scream and the sound of skin hitting skin.She stopped in her tracks,not because she just heard a loud slap,but because she recognized the shout.It was Jade.

She was so sure of it because she knew Jade's voice well.She took a deep breath and hid around the corner to listen.There was more yelling,a male's voice but she wasn't sure who.The sound of slapping continued and the screams echoed even louder.Tori's heart ached whenever she heard Jade's scream and she had to stop herself from running in there and getting hurt herself.A few minutes passed before the sound stopped and Beck walked out,sweaty and wiping blood from his hands.He didn't notice Tori's look of pure shock nor her head peeking out of the corner of the lockers.Thankfully,he walked straight ahead and disappeared up the stairs.Without hesitation,she walked into the janitor's room to see Jade sporting a bloody nose,crying her eyes out in silence.Locking the door,Tori pulled Jade close to her and Jade practically melted in her arms."It's okay,baby.Everything's okay",she whispered into Jade's ear,but she wasn't sure she believed it herself.

"Why are you always here when I'm a mess?",said Jade while she cleaned up her nose and make up."I'm your friend,remember?"Despite just having the shit whacked out of her,Jade managed to roll her eyes at the statement and grinned.Tori smiled at her and sat on the bathroom counter next to Jade."Can you help?",said Jade handing Tori the make up bag.Tori got off the counter and began doing Jade's make up.While doing so,she admired every wrinkle and line in her face and smiled at the beauty in front of her."Why are you smiling?"Tori stopped with the make up and put it back on the counter."You're pretty,not only from a side profile."Jade went redder than the blush Tori just applied and they giggled.

After Tori finished doing Jade's make up,she decided to ask."Mind telling me what that's all about?"Jade leaned against the bathroom wall and said,"I knew you would ask me but I hoped you would do it later."Tori turned to look at Jade and said,"No,it's okay.You don't have to tell me."Jade looked at Tori for a moment before burying her face in her hands again."But I have to! You're my friend and,gosh,someone needs to know about this."Tori stood up and leaned on the wall next to Jade."I'm all ears."

"So it started 5 months ago,after we came home from a party.He had some alcohol so I drove us home.It was then he hit me first,playfully.Then harder.And I told him to stop but he said I was worthless and that I should respect him.Then it started happening even when he wasn't drunk and now,I get that everytime."

Tori had her hand to her mouth.Beck,sweet,laid-back Beck would do this to Jade?She had no idea what emotions were surging through her at that very moment,anger,fear,pity."Isn't there an adult to help?"Jade shook her head."My parents are dead and I don't have the cleanest track record when it comes to violence."Tori sighed and hugged Jade.Jade put her head on Tori's shoulder again and Tori ran her fingers through Jade's hair."Fight back,I know you can." Jade looked up and said."Don't you think I've tried?He's too strong."They were still hugging when Jade whispered right next to Tori's ear,"You make me feel safe,Tori."Tori hugged Jade harder and slowly,her hands ran up and down Jade's back.Jade suddenly realized and shoved Tori away from her."What the fuck are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry I just-",but Jade had taken off running out of the bathroom.Tori followed suit,yelling, "Jade,stop!I'm sorry!",but never managed to catch up because Andre had already stopped her. He noticed Tori and dragged both girls to the Black Box.As soon as they got there,Jade sandwiched herself in between Cat and Andre.Andre had a slightly grim expression but spoke through it.

"Alright so I spoke to Sikowitz and he actually decided to choose our characters for us."The group broke into groans,burying their face in their hands.Andre pulled out his Pearphone and began reading.

"Cat and Beck-leaders of the Anti-LGBT community and husband and wife Susan and Walter Granger."Cat ran to beck and wrapped her arms around his neck,jumping."Yay!I didn't get Robbie!"Robbie rolled his eyes while Andre read out the next one."Robbie and Andre-children to the lesbian couple Justin and Mason."This left Tori's heart pounding wildly in her chest.It only left Jade and Tori.The last two girls and most probably,the lesbian couple.Her fears were confirmed when Andre said,"Jade and Tori-lesbian couple and parents Danica and Amber."Jade stood up and almost yelled,"I wanna switch with Cat."

Andre looked down and took a deep breath before saying,"Sikowitz knew you would say that but told me to tell you that if you change characters,you fail his class."Jade was about to fight back when she just sank back down in her chair,knowing there would no use.When they all walked out of the Black Box,Tori ran after Jade but she was nowhere to be seen.By the time she ran out,her Mustang was speeding out of the parking lot.Tori's shoulders drooped and she collected things from her locker before going home.

The moment she reached her house,she began spamming Jade with texts but was only left on seen.She dropped her phone onto her bed and leaned back against the pillows she'd propped up.Tears fell silently down her face and she had nothing to do,no one to go to.So she started singing.It was an old favourite that she'd written one night about the gorgeous girl she was trying to get hold of.

She started singing and realized that the song wasn't for a friend,although she tried so hard to convince herself that it was.She had to come to terms with the truth.Tori Vega was madly in love with Jade West and the most painful part was,she knew Jade would never think of her that way.Especially after what happened earlier.She never would have believed herself being in love with the girl that made her life hell before this but here she was,sobbing into a pillow because of that very same girl.

Jade got home and kicked her room door open.She stormed inside and dropped everything,breathing hard.How did that happen with Vega and why is Sikowitz being an asshole?She paced around her room and rubbed at her temples,trying to figure out what was going on.Vega was wrong to do that but the big question to Jade was,why did she enjoy it?She actually enjoyed the feeling of Tori's hands running up and down her back as it sent tingles up her spine and made her heart race.

She wouldn't be able to avoid Tori forever since they were acting as wives together in the play. Her phone wouldn't stop buzzing and she checked it to see 37 texts from Tori.All of them were mostly apologies but Jade's brain wasn't able to function in that moment.She pulled at her hair and dropped to the ground in a heap.She'd never felt the way Tori made her feel with Beck.Not even before the abuse started.

She didn't understand what was going on with her in that very moment and she had nothing to do but cry.She cried all she felt out and fell asleep on the ground in her jeans.Tori,on the other hand,felt nothing in that moment for all her emotions were sucked from her by one person.One gorgeous,ocean-eyed girl that made her heart race.

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