Chapter 10

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Jade woke up the next morning at the crack of dawn.Tori was still asleep so Jade stared how long she wanted at Tori's angelic,peaceful face thinking about how she would never let anyone lay a finger on Tori ever again.She slipped her hand out of Tori's and went to get some breakfast. She walked back upstairs with a plate of Tori's favourite foods and placed it beside her.Tori was already half awake when she walked in so she strode right over to her and planted a kiss on Tori's forehead.Tori smiled sleepily and looked at the breakfast.She was about to say something when Dr. Sheperd walked in and smiled to see Tori awake and with company.

"Good morning,Tori."Tori replied his good morning incorporated with a yawn and grinned.Jade found this adorable and shook her head."How're you feeling today?"Tori sat up straight and said,"Much better,actually."The doctor made a praying gesture and looked at the clipboard in his hands before saying,"I'm glad to let you know we can discharge you today."Jade smiled gratefully as the doctor explained the procedure to discharge Tori.After grinning one last time at them both,he left the room."That's really great.Now eat,"and Jade shoved food in Tori's face.

Tori was busy at the counter,filling up the appropriate forms when Dr. Sheperd strode up next to Jade in the waiting room."Hi."Jade smiled at him and looked back down.He cleared his throat ans started again."Listen,I know it's none of my goddamn business but you should really ask her out.She seems to be really in love with you."Jade was taken aback but refrained from screaming. "Why?What did she say?"Dr. Sheperd cocked his head and his voice dropped to a whisper."We were giving her injections to ease the pain but she kept moaning and saying 'I want Jade.'"Jade was surprised and flattered.Out of nowhere,she sighed and stared at Tori as she said,"I don't know.I don't even know how to tell her."

Dr. Sheperd put a hand on Jade's shoulder and said, "You do know.It's whether you want to or not."Jade had a few seconds to process the thought before Tori came up behind her and hugged her."Thank you,Dr. Sheperd."He nodded at the two girls and winked at Jade before turning a bend and walking off.Jade held her hand out to Tori and said,"Shall we?"Tori laughed and took Jade's hand,walking to the car.Jade opened the door for Tori and got into the driver's seat herself.She had made up her mind.Today was the day Tori would find out how much Jade loved her and that was that.They drove on for a few minutes before Tori said,"Hey,this isn't the way to my house."

"Who said we're going to your house?,"Jade replied with a smirk.Tori's face contorted to one of mock fear."Oh I'm horrified,"she said with an eye roll.Jade just continued driving until they reached their favourite after-school haunt,the coffee shop.Jade parked and they stepped out into the burning sun but quickly walked into the air-conditioned little shop.They took their usual seats at the near back but this time,Jade got up to get their bagels and cocoa.She came back and they sat together,eating happily.Jade's feet were still dancing but the atmosphere in the room caused her to blurt out,"I love you,Tori Vega."Tori looked at Jade with mouth full of bagel and wide eyes."You may not believe me but I'm begging you to.Please know I love you,Tori,"and she reached for Tori's warm hand splayed on the table.

Tori was too surprised to speak.Did Jade just say she loved me?Jade had to squeeze Tori's hand to get her out of her little trance."What now?"Tori just laughed."Now one of us has to ask the other out."Jade went bright red and looked down at the table.All was quiet for a moment before they said at the same time,"How about tonight?"They burst out laughing and a waitress had to come quiet them down.They paid and Tori drove them both back to her place.They walked in and dropped onto the sofa.The house was deathly quiet because Tori's parents took Trina to Seattle to check out her new college and wouldn't be back until next week."Where are your parents?"

"Checking out Trina's college."Jade smirked and ran her hands over the smooth leather sofa."So we'll have the whole place to ourselves."Tori chuckled and sat closer to Jade on the sofa."What do you wanna do?"Jade stood up and began flipping through Tori's movie collection and found one she liked."Let's watch Dead Silence."As Jade set up the movie,Tori went to the kitchen to make them some popcorn.She was getting some soda when she felt Jade's hands rest on the counter either side of her.She shut her eyes and Jade nuzzled the back of her neck slowly."Jade get away."Jade stepped back,worried."What's wrong?Did I hurt you?"Tori grabbed the bowl of popcorn and turned to face Jade with a sexy smile."No,but if you don't I'll have to rip your clothes off."

"Oh yeah,we wouldn't want to ruin the horror movie mood with a hot make out session now, would we?,"said Jade,grabbing the bowl away from Tori.They sat watching under a blanket.Tori couldn't feel herself holding Jade's hand so she got a shock when she squeezed something warm at one scary part of the movie.Jade chuckled and put an arm around Tori.Whenever Tori got scared,she would bury her face in the crook of Jade's neck.When the movie was over,they got off the couch and started getting ready for their date.Tori was sitting in her room,all dressed up and waiting when Jade barged in with nothing but a towel covering her body."Hey,got anything I can wear?"Tori's jaw hit the ground and Jade realized what she had on and bit her lip.

"Oh this is nothing,Vega."Tori snapped out of it when Jade spoke and went to her closet to get the girl something to wear.She gave it to Jade who kicked her out of her own room.As she waited downstairs,she made sure everything was perfect.Nothing could mess this night up for her.A few minutes later,Jade descended the staircase,looking more beautiful than ever if that was possible."Wow,Jade,"breathed Tori,"you look stunning."Jade blushed and made a grab for Tori's wrist."Let's go."They made it to the car when Tori asked,"Where are we going,exactly?"

"Some place,"said Jade,mysteriously.Tori leaned back in her seat and decided to just enjoy the ride.They reached a quiet,old place."Our first date"Jade rolled her eyes and intertwined her fingers with Tori's."It looks old but their food is amazing."They walked in and found the place to be almost completely deserted.There were three old couples in weird corners of the room so they were pretty much alone.After a waiter had taken their orders,Tori sighed and reached for Jade's hand on the table."I have something to ask you."Jade motioned for Tori to continue talking."You know my parents'll be away for a week right?"Jade nodded while taking a sip of her water."Would you mind coming to keep me company while they're gone?"

Jade's eyes lit up as she fantasized about everything they would be doing."Sure.I'd love to."Tori lit up and that was the moment the waiter arrived with their food.They dug in and enjoyed the food and each other's company.Tori didn't wait for the dessert menu but dragged Jade out of the restaurant and back into the car."Get us to the nearest supermarket."Jade,too full to argue, just drove until they reached some unknown supermarket at the corner of an almost deserted road."Wait here,"said Tori as she got out of the car and ran up the stairs of the supermarket.Jade rested her head against the seat and waited for Tori to get back in.Her eyes snapped open when the car door beside her got slammed."Let's go."

She drove them back to Tori's house.When they got in,Tori almost raced up the stairs and back down again to give Jade a pair of comfortable clothes.She got real close to Jade's ear and whispered,"Put it on and come upstairs,"before thrusting the clothes into Jade's hands.She quickly changed and nearly sprinted upstairs to find Tori in bed with two mugs in her hands. "Ice cream in bed,huh?"Tori just smiled her little kid smile and gave Jade a mug.They watched a bit of tv while they ate when suddenly,Jade said,"Hey,come here."Tori turned to see Jade holding a spoon with ice cream on it to feed her.Tori opened her mouth and Jade fed her,intentionally leaving some on her lip.Before she was about to clean it off,Jade said,"Let me help."

Straddling Tori,Jade held the brunette's face in her hands and slowly,their lips merged.It was soft and pleasant at first,then it began heating up when Jade grabbed a fistful of Tori's hair to pull her neck back and kiss her neck.Tori moaned a little and Jade whispered against her skin, "Like that?"Tori couldn't answer but Jade knew.She gave Tori little hickeys all over her neck when Tori rolled over so she was on top.Jade was surprised by the sudden movement. Surprised,but not disappointed.She lifted her head a little,giving Tori more access to her neck.

She felt Tori pulling away gently and collapsing on the bed next to her.Panting,they lay there under the air-conditioner in each other's arms.Getting under the covers,Tori stared deep into Jade's teal eyes and whispered,"You have really pretty eyes."Jade responded with a kiss and said,"Well,thanks to you chocolate brown is my new favourite colour."Tori blushed a little before reaching forward and kissing Jade on the nose."Let's sleep."Tori nodded and got out of bed to switch off the lights.She climbed back in and snuggled up close to Jade,praying the night wouldn't end so the gorgeous,ocean-eyed girl would hold her forever.Jade kissed Tori's head and wrapped an arm around her waist,knowing she was safe,knowing that they both were.

A Jori Story:Coffee Shop ConfessionsWhere stories live. Discover now