Chapter 9

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It wasn't a bright morning.No birds were chirping,no sun was shining.Still,Tori woke up with a grin etched on her face because she heard Jade's voice singing quietly next to her and her system woke up.She opened her eyes slowly at first and realized that Jade was still holding her hand.She squeezed Jade's hand who looked up at Tori's sleepy face.Jade smiled and fixed Tori's hair saying,"Morning,sleepyhead."Tori smiled and yawned a good morning back to Jade who stood up to get something off the table next to her.She returned with a tray of bacon,eggs, pancakes and a glass of orange juice."Eat."

"I can't.My arm's all jacked up.Feed me?"Tori looked at Jade with puppy dog eyes for a few seconds before Jade groaned and gave in.Tori smiled and opened wide when Jade gave her the first forkful of bacon."Can I know what happened yesterday?"Tori had forgotten why she was in the hospital until Jade mentioned it and she shuddered just at the thought of what happened yesterday.She didn't realize her eyes were screwed shut tight until Jade put her arm around Tori's shoulders and whispered into her hair,"It's okay.Eat,"and she gave Tori a forkful of pancakes.They were silent for a moment before Tori heard herself asking,"Jade,what are we?"

Jade's eyes widened and she fed Tori a forkful of eggs and said,"Friends,"without making eye contact.Tori held Jade's face in between her thumb and index finger to prevent her from looking away."Honestly."Jade sighed and looked at the floor saying,"I don't know."Tori held Jade's hand in hers and asked,"Jade,do you love me?"Jade put the plate of food down and stared at Tori. "What's with all the questions Tori?"Tori just shrugged and said,"Answer me."Jade mumbled, "Yeah,I love you.You're my best-"

"No,you know what I'm talking about Jade."Jade just got out of her seat and said,"I'm going for a smoke,"and instantly regretted saying it since Tori didn't know Jade smoked.She just walked out of the room and left Tori alone.Tori kept wondering why Jade always left her when they needed to confront something together.She was on the verge of tears when she heard a knock and Andre walked in with a fruit basket and a smile."How you feeling?"Tori smiled but the sadness remained in her eyes."I feel a little better."Andre stared confused at Tori who had broken eye contact with him and resumed looking at the ground."Uh,where's Jade?"Tori winced quietly at the name and tried to hide it but failed."She's,"her voice cracking,"downstairs."

Andre just walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her."What did she do?"Tori dried her eyes and said,"Nothing.I shouldn't have asked her what I asked."Andre frowned at Tori and was about to say something else but Jade walked back into the room."Hey,Andre."Andre smiled at her and she looked at Tori while saying to Andre,"Can you leave us alone for a few minutes?" Andre obeyed and left the room.Jade sat on Tori's bed and looked at the pale Latina laying there,looking solemnly out of the window.She reached over to touch Tori's hand but Tori pulled away."What's wrong?"Tori sighed and looked at Jade."You're denying it,you know."

"Denying what?,"asked Jade,confused."Denying whatever you said to me yesterday."Jade was thinking back when she remembered she's poured her heart out to Tori but that was only because she thought the brunette was unconscious."You were awake?,"Jade asked,a mix of fury and fear rising steadily in her throat.Tori nodded without looking at Jade and Jade gasped.All was quiet for a moment or two before Jade whispered,"How much did you hear?"Looking at the floor,Tori said,"Oh,I heard everything."Jade had no idea what to do so she got out of her seat and turned to leave when Tori held her arm to stop her."We have to talk about this,Jade.Please." Jade pulled away from Tori,looking disgusted."I have nothing to talk about with you.Fuck off."

Jade almost sprinted out of the room and stopped near a corner to choke back oncoming tears she didn't wanna be asked about.She walked straight to her car and drove off to school.The moment she saw the familiar building,she became numb.Her mind was cloudy the entire day and she couldn't focus on anything in class all day.Sikowitz,the only teacher not afraid to call on Jade,almost yelled into her ear."JADE!,"and she barely flinched before looking at him.He eyed her suspiciously before deciding to leave her be and continued on with the lesson.When school was over,she got into her car and drove around aimlessly for hours until she got to the hospital on accident.But was it really an accident?

Tori was whining in her room.A blonde doctor was trying her best to get Tori to eat dinner but she wasn't having it.She kept groaning and shoving the doctor away.One more minute of this and the doctor would have lost her patience but right at that moment,Jade walked in.Tori didn't notice her at first as her eyes were screwed shut.She only acknowledged Jade's presence when she heard Jade say,"What's going on?"The blond doctor got off the bed and told Jade that Tori didn't wanna eat.Jade frowned and took the plate of food from the doctor who quickly shuffled out of the room.She walked up to Tori and sat on the bed next to her."Eat,"said Jade,shoving a forkful of steak into her mouth.

"I'm sorry."Jade looked up from the plate and stared quietly at Tori.Why was Tori apologizing when it was clearly Jade's fault?Jade just smiled and whispered,"I'm sorry too."Tori looked up at Jade and smiled.She reached out to hug Jade and this time,Jade hugged her back.It may have only been a couple of hours but Jade had terribly missed the scent of strawberries that emanated from Tori.She hugged Tori closer and Tori rested her head on Jade's shoulder.Jade rubbed Tori's back,comforting her.She felt Tori's breath on her skin and gasped slightly.Tori pulled away and took hold of Jade's hand instead,drawing circles on the back with her finger. "Can you stay the night?"Jade nodded instantly."Now eat,"and Tori swallowed each forkful Jade gave her without fuss.

After she was done eating,Jade was seated next to Tori,holding her hand when Tori said,"Hear me out."Jade put her phone down and tightened her grip on Tori's hand a little."I love you.I love you in more ways than one and if you hate me for it,I'm sorry.I just love you."Jade froze up,not knowing what to do.She just ran a hand through her dark hair with turquoise highlights and brought Tori's hand up to her cheek.She didn't know how long they sat like that,but she remembered kissing a sleeping Tori on the forehead and falling asleep with the brunette's hand still in hers.

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