Chapter 18

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Andre grinned at Jade's words and signalled to the tech team who killed the music instantly.He ran onto the stage with a mic in hand and said,"Now,performing her newest song "Pretty Brown Eyes", give it up for Jade West!"Tori's ears perked up at the mention of Jade's name and watched as the goth got onto the stage,looking surprisingly nervous."Now,I wanna dedicate this song to someone I love,someone I hope will take me back after how much I've screwed up.I wanna dedicate this song to a girl with Pretty Brown Eyes."Tori stared at Jade's smiling face on stage and swelled a little.Is this song about me? Her thoughts were confirmed when Jade looked at Tori and winked.Grinning,Tori stood up and walked right to the front of the stage,right in front of Jade.Jade noticed and went red,much to the pleasure of Tori.

As the song played,Jade sang her heart out to Tori,every word coming from deep within the confines of her chest.The song ran smoothly until a crack of thunder was heard and it began pouring rain onto everyone.Jade stopped the song,infuriated.The crowd just sat,looking at her.A few moments after the music had ceased,someone yelled,"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?"Jade looked at everyone else and said into the mic,"Should I go on?"Everyone cheered and Jade smirked at Andre who continued the music.Dripping,Jade looked at Tori just enjoying the music right up front and went softer as she sang the chorus. 

Hey girl with the Pretty Brown Eyes
You looked at me and inside I've died
Please help me God I can't go on
It feels so right and then so wrong
Hey girl with the Pretty Brown Eyes
I look at you and get butterflies
You push me back but I want you more
This pain is making my heart so sore.

As if on cue,the rain slowed to a drizzle when Jade's voice softened.Tori looked up into Jade's teal-blue eyes and smiled.Jade couldn't tell if the water dripping off her face was rain or tears, but she smiled back anyway.Just as the song sped up again,the rain got heavier and everyone were on their feet,dancing and clapping along.When the song finished,Jade helped Tori onto the stage and dropped the mic she was holding on the floor."I'm so sorry it rained,Tori.I wanted everything to be perfect for this and-,"but she didn't get to finish because her sentence was cut off by a pair of lips colliding with hers.She tasted the strawberry lip balm Tori had on and almost melted under the freezing rain.When the pulled apart,Tori's arms were around Jade's neck as she whispered,"You made this song for me?"

"I need you back,Tori."Tori just smiled and leaned in for another kiss.The crowd was too busy celebrating how great the song was to notice that Jade and Tori were lip-locking right in front of them.As Tori looked into the busy crowd,she said to Jade,"Let's get out of here."She meant to drag Jade away but Jade didn't budge,watching everyone."I have one more thing to do,"and she grabbed the mic."LISTEN UP!,"yelled Jade,at the top of her lungs.Even the rain seemed to slow down for the announcement."I have a very important announcement to make."Everybody looked at each other,wondering what Jade's big announcement could be.Intertwining her fingers with Tori's,she looked back at the crowd and said into the mic,"I,Jade West,am dating Tori Vega.There's nothing you could say or do to stop me from loving this girl right here,okay?"

The silence was deafening.No one said a word,no one moved.The first person to break the silence was Cat.She had gotten up on a chair and yelled,"WOOHOO!"This act was followed by Andre and Robbie.Soon,the entire school was cheering wildly for Tori and Jade who stood proudly holding hands atop the stage.As they all kept cheering,Jade turned to face Tori."Tori Vega,will you take me back after how much of an asshole I've been?"Tori held Jade's face in her hands and said,"You sang me a song and announced to the whole school we're together even after how much you wanted to keep your reputation.I'd be insane to not take you back,Jade West."Jade beamed and hugged Tori,lifting her off her feet.

The night went on with everyone congratulating them and not once did Jade remove her arm from Tori's waist.When the night had ended,Jade and Tori drove back to Tori's place and went straight upstairs to climb into bed.Wrapping an arm around Tori,Jade whispered into her hair,"I miss this."Tori turned to face Jade and kissed her."I need this."When morning fell upon the pair of them,Jade woke Tori up."Get up and get dressed,I wanna take you somewhere special." Hearing the word special,Tori jumped out of bed and went to get changed.They got out of the house and Jade drove them to somewhere familiar,very familiar,but not as special to Tori as it was to Jade,just yet.

"Why did you bring me back to the coffee shop?,"asked Tori as Jade took her by the hand and walked in to sit with her at their usual spot near the back."I brought you here because this was where we talked about how we felt and how we liked each other.This is like our little confessing place."Tori reached her hand over and squeezed Jade's fingers,smiling.She finally understood how special this place was to the both of them and said,"Our little Coffee Shop Confessions."

-The End-

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